Video Portfolio

I was wondering what hobbyists thought about providers who use videos of themselves to advertise. I'm not talking about a "selfie" style YouTube video, but a high quality, well shot 1-3 minute video.

I work in video production and have already advertised under the "Business Services for Providers" forum on Eccie, though I have yet to actually work with any providers in this capacity.

Just wanted to get some thoughts on this as I'm thinking about getting into this as a little side business after the new year.
The best way to show
body language.
Good thread.
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
I've done a couple videos now and I think the ROI is great. You'll have the most luck finding providers to hire you if you can present a portfolio. I had a great experience with captain_obvious recently in Dallas, but as far as I know there is no one offering this service in NOLA specifically.

Perhaps choose a couple providers who seem professional, offer them a free shoot so you can build a small portfolio, and privately send each chosen lady a link to your civvie portfolio. Then when you have a few videos made you can present an escort video portfolio more publicly.