pornodave69's Avatar
OK guys,

Too many reviews are being written without actual dates, insufficient contact information and/or insufficient ROS comments. Please review the Policy on Including Dates, Rates, Services and Contact Information in Reviews here and FOLLOW THEM -

Reviews without actual dates will be denied. Reviews posted more than 30 days after the session took place are denied. If you don't know the exact date, guess but put a date. "December" and "Mid-November" or "Last Week" is not acceptable.

Reviews without the required information and all fields completed will be denied.

It is a major waste of our time to continually send PMs to members to ask for dates or other information and go back and edit reviews and asking administrators to give you PA credit after rejection instead of you doing it correctly in the first place. My patience is wearing thin for this kind of thing. Do it right or it gets denied. And I won't go back and approve reviews after rejecting them if they're done wrong and I have to edit them.