The key negotiating points that Obama is caving on:
  • No closing of facilities
  • R&D will continue on Iran’s scientific schedule
  • Enrichment will continue
  • The heavy water at Arak will be modernized
  • U.S. has completely caved on the Fordow concession (the Iranian underground bunker. Iranians would be allowed to keep centrifuges spinning inside the mountain.)

Other key point. The Iranians (along with the EU) are saying that sanctions will be terminated “simultaneously” with Iran implementing its obligations. Team Obama is saying something completely different.

Who do you think is the liar in this scenario?
gfejunkie's Avatar
All of them!
The first time Iran says "NO" to part of an agreement, such as denying inspections, nothing will be done. That's the problem with the Iranians knowing Obama is spineless, weak, and desperate to avoid confrontation for another year and a half.
PEACE IN OUR TIME! Thanks, Obama.
PEACE IN OUR TIME! Thanks, Obama. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Mushroom clouds in our time more like !
PEACE IN OUR TIME! Thanks, Obama. Originally Posted by gnadfly
About the only difference in what has happenned today, and what happenned in 1937 is about 78 years.

The Mullas are all probably at the local bar as we speak, congratulating each other on putting it to the stupid, naive, US Commander in Chief.
LMFAO x 100,000,000
LMFAO x 100,000,000 Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Noticed your signature line quote: "No war is over till the enemy says it is over. We may think it is over, we may declare it over.but in fact the enemy gets a vote."

General James Mattis 2006

Guess you are saying you are the enemy?? By the way, I think you need to improve your "punctuation."
Guess you are saying you are the enemy?? Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Naw... I don't feel any smarter after that.

Carry on, wingnutz!
Kennedy stood up to Russia and kept nukes out of Cuba...........

Obama intends for us to acquiesce in, and facilitate the acquisition of, nuclear weapons by the Islamic Republic of Iran. The mullahs have been at war with the United States since 1979, have a lot of American blood on their hands, and continue to call for “Death to America.”

Who in his right mind, with the best interests of the United States at heart, thinks that relenting in our opposition to the mullahs’ acquisition of nuclear weapons is a good idea?
ABCNews is reporting it's Congress' next move on the deal. There's no deal. From what I can read, nothing is signed. There's a "framework". Congress doesn't approve "unsigned frameworks."

Two months from now will anything be signed or will it be renegotiated?

This wouldn't be happening if Secretary of State Clinton was still in office.
You are correct. Even Iran is disputing yesterday's White House statement on what was agreed to. As is the EU.

ABCNews is reporting it's Congress' next move on the deal. There's no deal. From what I can read, nothing is signed. There's a "framework". Congress doesn't approve "unsigned frameworks."

Two months from now will anything be signed or will it be renegotiated?

This wouldn't be happening if Secretary of State Clinton was still in office. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Kennedy stood up to Russia and kept nukes out of Cuba...........

Obama intends for us to acquiesce in, and facilitate the acquisition of, nuclear weapons by the Islamic Republic of Iran. The mullahs have been at war with the United States since 1979, have a lot of American blood on their hands, and continue to call for “Death to America.”

Who in his right mind, with the best interests of the United States at heart, thinks that relenting in our opposition to the mullahs’ acquisition of nuclear weapons is a good idea? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
What is your third option ? All I have heard from the party of NO is no, but no third option. Unless you are really for military intervention.