America is Becoming a Police State!

Just look around at how the police protect themselves before they protect the public. I knew this was coming. This is not what America wants!

It does not matter whether the president in "our" whitehouse is democratic or republican. Forget labels folks! These people in power care only about their own self interest, and we are being kept in the dark. I may die tomorrow, but consider me a "whisle-blower". From what research I have done, any journalist or investigator who finds a good story is found dead "sooner or later".

Just think for yourself and measure all knowledge available (watch wireless television) because it's not owned by one man, namely, Murdoch, who controls most of the mainstream media in America now! Keep an "open mind"!
The idea of America becoming a "Police State" is real no doubt. Although Major Police Depts. all over the U.S are acquiring Military style equipment and are trading in their class "A" uniforms for military style attire we really aren't there yet. When you begin to hear rumors of Police Depts. becoming nationalized that's when you need to worry. Because it's the nationalization of the Police when their job description changes. They will no longer be "Public Servants" but rather the henchman of the government. You will also notice there will be no distinction between departments. They will all look the same all over the country, Uniforms, Vehicles, tactics ect.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Police State is here. We have an illusion of limited freedom, but the mechanisms are in place to shut that down at a moments notice. The NDAA, the Patriot Act, and other "laws" are hammers just waiting to pound us into submission. And no doubt, it will be done to "protect" us. God Bless Amerika.
The Police State is here. We have an illusion of limited freedom, but the mechanisms are in place to shut that down at a moments notice. The NDAA, the Patriot Act, and other "laws" are hammers just waiting to pound us into submission. And no doubt, it will be done to "protect" us. God Bless Amerika. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yep! Neo-conservatism at it's best. Reminds me of history all over again, when Hitler was in charge.
Yep! Neo-conservatism at it's best. Reminds me of history all over again, when Hitler was in charge. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Worse, and more threatening to liberty and freedom is the out of control Administrative State. It is more sinister because it operates behind closed doors in the hallways of the branches of government, especially the Executive Branch. It has police and administrative powers to back up it's attacks. It has the IRS on it's side. Within the Administrative State you don't even have to be charged with a crime. You are generally guilty until you prove yourself innocent. You cannot sue the Administrative State. The Administrative State can lie, can fabricate, can single an individual (or group) for destruction. There are very few checks on the administrative state; Congress has some oversight, but it is weak. Especially when the Administrative State operates freely under the judicial protection of the DOJ.

Congress can subpoena the Administrative State, but the Administrative State can ignore those subpoenas. Congress relies on the good will of the Administrative State (Executive Branch) and Judicial Branch to enforce it's oversight. The Administrative State needs no one to do the same.

My counter solution to the Administrative State is to downsize the size (funding, employees, out sourcing) of all federal agencies. And return political power to the states.

By comparison, the Police State is a 2-bit carney act. They are the JV Team compared to the Administrative State.

My counter solution to the "Police State" is to let every legal citizen own the same weapons that local LE can use. Tear gas, tasers, sniper rifles, armored tanks, full automatic weapons.

What's yours?
Laughable. You're discussing your enslavement by the police state.....on a whore board. It boggles the mind.

Around noon, you will all go stuff your faces with whatever food and alcohol you desire, this weekend those of you that believe in the magic show, will attend the church of your choice. You'll probably be hung over because you will have gone out to the restaurant and club of your choice and had too much to drink on Saturday night....maybe with one of the lovely ladies on this board....who you then screwed the daylights out of....

On Sunday afternoon, you'll watch sports on TV, or go play golf, or go to the movies....or....maybe you'll hop on a plane and fly to Cozumel or Paris or fucking Ketchum, Idaho.

You guys just aren't happy unless you are bitching.
We also discuss restaurants, fast cars, music, pop culture, and price of gold.

It boggles the mind that you are boggled by the broad array of topics that are discussed here.

Why are you such a dunce?

Laughable. You're discussing your enslavement by the police state.....on a whore board. It boggles the mind. Originally Posted by timpage
We also discuss restaurants, fast cars, music, pop culture, and price of gold.

It boggles the mind that you are boggled by the broad array of topics that are discussed here.

Why are you such a dunce? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Shouldn't you be compiling the list of weapons you need to defend yourself against the imaginary threats that you dream up to lend drama to your otherwise boring life?

Being called a dunce by someone who just posted up a question like "What guns do the rest of you goobers think we need to protect ourselves against the police" is fucking amusing.

You are a paranoid idiot who lacks a grasp on reality.
the more laws there are,

the more government employees there are,

the more government agencies there are,

the more each agency wants to protect its turf and employment and keep its reason to be and ever expanding budget so they can retire in style at a young age

then the more each of these agencies create their own armed police force

its all about liberals actually

they, liberals, more and more create laws and then have to have a mechanism to enforce them down to not selling loosie cigs
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Police state? Don't be ridiculous.
Let's start a "GoFundMe" account. We can do this on our own, just ask a little pizza joint in Indiana... @#OzombiesGoingDown