It would be difficult if not utterly impossible to prove where the silly shit started. You might very well produce a video but who's to say there is not another dated earlier from someone else? I can remember a video by some self proclaimed "document expert" (with no forensic background at all) and it got picked up by WND types (Trump supporters now) everywhere and took off from there.
Regardless, Donny did in fact state, I'm sure I don't have to prove it, do I(?), he was going to send private investigators to Hawaii.
Not an original question.
Further reading, enjoy!
That ain't "politics" that's just plain shit talk that's been in the news! Apparently still is to a small degree!!

And he's STILL shit talking and people are sucking it up!
the birther movement started with Hillary Clinton in 2008. The evidence is out there if you look.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
P.S. Yes, I have been able to ID persons of a particular persuasion by a single comment whether spoken or written. Not 100% of the time. Been a while, even then, didn't keep tabs. Freaks people out, never the less!