Professional pic or not

monica_mistress's Avatar
Recently I was told I should invest in professional photos.
I notice more & more guys wanted to see what you really looked like so the cell pics popped up everywhere.

So Eccie what is your preference? or does that even matter?

The pics that I have in my showcase were taken with a cell phone. I eventually plan on investing in professional photos.
monica_mistress's Avatar
Some have told me the girls look good in the pro picks but in person not to their liking.
pyramider's Avatar
Different fucktards have different criteria they look for in photos. Some like the Glamour shots and other prefer the cell phones photos. In order to accommodate both simply put your best cell phone photos and a couple of professional photos in your showcase. The main problem, for the ladies, with the cell phone shots is what the camera may pick up in the background.
monica_mistress's Avatar
Lol Mr. P

Fucktards... I learned a new word.

Great idea I just may try that.
pyramider's Avatar
If you like new words then I am your tard. Can you say taint? Notice how it rolls off the tongue. I am a certified taintlologist.
john_deere's Avatar
aside from the fact that a girl took them herself, the idea that cell phone pics are inherently more "real" is absurd. all cameras - especially ones with wide angle lenses like cell phone cameras - distort the subject. a true professional knows this and accounts for it during a shoot. but, pyramider is right...if you want all bases covered just show both.
SknyDiva's Avatar
A little of both. Is cool. Monica_Mistress. your pics are fine as hell!! I believe cell phone pics show what your truly getting. as far as back ground who cares? are you really checking out what's going on back there anyway?
#SarahLynn's Avatar
A little of both. Is cool. Monica_Mistress. your pics are fine as hell!! I believe cell phone pics show what your truly getting. as far as back ground who cares? are you really checking out what's going on back there anyway? Originally Posted by SknyDiva
i agree a little of both is good i just got pics took in kc and let me tell u it really does help !!! But keep some old ones that u take in your show case too
Sometimes things are in the background that the picture taker doesn't realize is there, because they see the items all the time. I took a really cool picture of my tummy, the morning light was perfect, the angle was perfect, but in the background was a roll of toilet paper and a bottle of lube on my night stand!
It isn't the camera. A professional photographer should be able to take great photos with a decent camera phone. The difference is the mood they depict, casual vs the glamor shot. Some of the best photos are shot in the mirror or self portraits. Lighting and composition play the major role. If you can learn to see like a camera instead of a human your half way there. But the main difference is the use of programs like photoshop. If your good with this software you can do a lot, over do it and they look fake. I think most guys want to know that what they see is what you really look like. Good photography just brings out those features. Lastly, Take lots of photos but show only a few of the best. Having 50 photos won't help. The best shot I ever saw was taken by a woman who was running late to the appointment, shot a pic of her face as she sat at a stop light with her camera phone and sent it with a note saying "sorry I'm running late but here is what you'll be getting in a few minutes." Still have the photo.
Professional photos are a great investment. You simply can't go wrong. Period.

They will increase your business (if that's what you're looking for) & show that you are serious about marketing yourself in a professional light. If you're looking to create a brand for yourself, pro pics are the way to go.

I have all pro photos for advertising with a few unedited self taken mirror shots to show exactly what the client is getting when scheduling my time.

Also, don't think you need to pay a ton of money for a photo shoot. There are a number of wonderful photographers out there that are provider friendly & very affordable.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I have been in the business for 6 years this month and I have never spent ONE DIME on professional photos yet everyday I get more appointment requests then I can accept.

Good reviews, a great personality, squeaky clean hygiene, a nice incall, good TBC manners and clear photos are all you need.
DallasRain's Avatar
I have been in the business for 6 years this month and I have never spent ONE DIME on professional photos yet everyday I get more appointment requests then I can accept.

Good reviews, a great personality, squeaky clean hygiene, a nice incall, good TBC manners and clear photos are all you need. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
ditto---same for me!

{and Pyramider is the taintologist of the eccie board!}
I agree with what most of the other people have said here. A mix of pro and non pro photos is a good idea. although you don't necessarily have to pay someone and go full glam for better quality photos. If you invest in a good camera, a tripod and learn how to use a photo editor, you can do it all yourself! Now granted that it takes time and money but after you buy all of the stuff once, it's pretty smooth sailing from there.

My pics are not pro but I have invested in a good camera bought a tripod of my own shortly. A trusted friend helped me take my photos and I learnded (still learning) how to use adobe photoshop cs6. I personally enjoyed the process, and me learning the skills myself enable me to keep my "second job" completely PRIVATE. No worries about who has the originals to my photos lol.

When I do become more established though, I wouldn't mind paying someone to take really good pro pics of me but I don't see it as a necessity as of now.