The Rich Get Richer

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Have you ever wondered how the rich get richer?

Well, it's not by honesty so much as knowing how to avoid paying taxes.

. . . Romney admits to paying only 13% income taxes.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-16-2012, 05:46 PM
sure glad Willard TOLD us his tax rates for the last 10 years ... should be easy enough to prove when he SHOWS us his returns ...

his accounting firm is working on the books to meet his claims, as we speak!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Blame the law, not the man.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-16-2012, 06:20 PM
Blame the law, not the man. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I douby very seriously the legality in willards returns isnt what hes hiding ... the tax return issues he had when he ran for govie have no place in a presidential campaign .. and expect those issues to surface, surprised if they dont
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Blaming the law, but not the man is simply reaching to excuse the man.

It is self evident that the problem is not so much the law as the dishonest man.

A dishonest man will find ways to circumvent the laws that do not profit him even if it means cheating the country where he made his fortune.

. . . Honest men who made as much money as Romney paid a hell of a lot more income taxes!

Blame the law, not the man. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If he was dishonest on his tax returns, the Obama IRS would have him in prison.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-16-2012, 06:52 PM
Blame the law, not the man. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Serious question...

Since one of Romney's positions is to lower the tax rates but close loopholes, don't you think it's relevant to know what loopholes he uses, and compare that to which loopholes he proposes closing?

Not that he seems willing to tell us either the former or the latter, but nevertheless.

At this point, Obama is proposing raising his taxes, while all we know is that Romney is proposing cutting his. And as we know, if he gets Paul Ryan's way, he'll pay all of a 0.82% federal tax rate.

Frankly, that tells me more about the relative characters of each man, no matter how many threads you wanna start claiming Obama is the Anti-Christ.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah. He should release his returns. I've said that. Obama should release his college records. They both should release a lot more.

What difference does it make which loopholes he uses, as long as their legal? No one is obligated to pay more in tax than they are legally liable. You just want to demagogue. Go ahead, you'll do it anyway.

Oh, and did you notice? Your post count just increased by one. You're becoming a bigger loser!
Yeah but think of how many jobs he created because he had all that extra money to invest!

The biggest problem this country has is that the rich aren't rich enough.

They need a bigger share of the nation's wealth so that they can invest it in business to emply the rest of us.

It's a damn shame the government took 13% of his income to distribute to lazy people who'd rather sit on their leather asses all day watching "Wheel of Fortune" than get out and join the American dream.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Most of Odumbo's supporters pay NO Federal income tax; hence, Odumbo's campaign ad suggesting that at 14% Romney probably pays less in taxes "than you do" is really bizarre.
If he wants to lose votes by not releasing the returns, thats on him.

I want Romney to tell me how he amassed such a large sum in his IRA. I've always maxed out my contributions too, but I'm nowhere close to his balance. Since we can all be rich like Romney, why can't Romney show us exactly to to do so? Because of course, if we are all rich, that can't lessen the wealth of others.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-16-2012, 07:22 PM
Yeah. He should release his returns. I've said that. Obama should release his college records. They both should release a lot more. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Show me how Obama's college records would or could have anything to do with policies he might propose, and i might agree with you. Until then, you're just bitter.

What difference does it make which loopholes he uses, as long as their legal? No one is obligated to pay more in tax than they are legally liable. You just want to demagogue. Go ahead, you'll do it anyway.
Are you serious? If he uses loophole A, B, C, and D, while proposing to lower his tax rate and close loophole E, F, G, and H, making an issue of that is demogoguing?

Alrighty then.

Oh, and did you notice? Your post count just increased by one. You're becoming a bigger loser!
Since i've made clear and conceded to the circumstances under which i feel like a loser, all you're doing here is giving credence to the argument that overall post count alone makes one a loser.

So have at it!
Have you ever wondered how the rich get richer?

Well, it's not by honesty so much as knowing how to avoid paying taxes.

. . . Romney admits to paying only 13% income taxes. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Could we see your tax returns? Ya know just a friendly peek, Bro...come on man...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
To anyone with an open mind, the facts alone of a multimillionaire paying only a paltry 13% income taxes tells the entire story.

Neither did I say that he broke the law and you know that plainly enough.

The rich are too smart to commit such obvious crimes, but they find other hidden loopholes to create the the same effect.

What Romney did was hire some fancy accountants to figure out ways to hide money away and legally reduce the tax letter of the law, but broke the spirit of the law.

. . . In order to be prosperous, a country needs it's citizens to be productive and to pay their fair share of taxes in order for the entire system to operate.

P.S. As for those dumb-fucks who don't contribute anything, but still have the audacity to ask how much I paid in Federal income taxes, well, let me tell you, it was more than twice what Romney paid!

If he was dishonest on his tax returns, the Obama IRS would have him in prison. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So I should be more worried about how Romney uses his money than how Obama spends mine?

Why don't we ask Harry Reid how he got so rich?