
  • Ratz
  • 10-11-2016, 03:22 PM
So awhile back I happened to be talking to a young lady about a possible party. Her quote for an hour was 45 minutes to party 15 minutes to get cleaned up. Now I do respect the ladies time, however I also value the time spent with the lady. So what do the ladies and men here think of the time? Does the meter start once I walk through the door and I have to be cleaned up and out before the meter runs out?? Or does this depend on the lady?? Who watches the clock? Or do both parties watch it?

Sorry for the newbie questions!!
Um no lol most times if I'm hone I don't really watch the clock that is shitty and I don't count 15 mins to get ready afterward. Her getting dressed has nothing to do with you or your pocket book.
JocelynJohnsin's Avatar
Seems petty to me to charge for a clean up job...most guys would probably just choose to do without the pre shower if that was the case and well no thanks lol. The after shower is pretty dang important too since that helps keep the SO from catching on (they are like cadaver dogs for real lol) and then that's one less play mate I have and probably some trouble for my gent as well and that's the last thing I want is to cause misery. I suppose I choose discretion and hygiene over eye balling a clock and charging someone accordingly but that's just me. The massage place I now am formerly a member of does the same thing with undressing and redressing and its annoying and I only stayed for 3 months and moved on. Every lady does things a little differently though so at least you probably have plenty of options if that is a deal breaker for you. Personally no I would not count that but I've never really been much of a clock watcher anyways as long as it's not taken advantage of. I'm more focused on the fun and doing my thaaang but that's just my opinion...for whatever it's worth I think it's kind of on both parties to ultimately make sure the time doesn't go way over but the lady is the professional who should be able to pace things accordingly, but with that being said it's easier to pace once you've already met someone before- some are one and done so you stretch it out a bit and some are multiples (again not all ladies allow MSOG). It all balances out in the end- for everyone who stays over 15 min someone probably left 15 min early too.
Key of G's Avatar
Such a smart lady!
  • Ratz
  • 10-11-2016, 08:15 PM
Such a smart lady! Originally Posted by Key of G
She is, and she has the body and beauty to go with the brains.
  • Ratz
  • 10-11-2016, 08:16 PM
Shayla is starting to make me curious too...
A1AsianLovin's Avatar
It Starts after we talk and get to fully know each other if its our first time meeting ,, pretty much when when we are both ready to start
I'm a very curious person...
In my lousy opinion a lady deserves her clean up time. Which should be scheduled between appointments, not during the last 15 minutes of a gent's hourly rated time. If a lady doesn't have time between appointments for hygiene, hair, dress, and recovery... then she's stacking her appointments on top of each other. That's a business tactic most hobbyists would rather avoid. A provider worth seeing is one who schedules enough time between appointments to recuperate and actually enjoy (hopefully) the next gent's company.

I have no problems devoting a portion of the beginning of my hour to breaking the ice. Personally I'm not really interested in walking in the door, whipping out my pea-shooter, and diving right in. I like a slower build-up to the session.
DallasRain's Avatar
I like to start the session with giving the gent a bubblebath....I consider it a type of foreplay!
Key of G's Avatar
Dallas...I didn't get a bubble bath!! Lol
DallasRain's Avatar
well Key babe...next time I will bring the bubbles!!!!! Sorry!
I want one too ❤
Key of G's Avatar
Maybe Dallas would give both of us a bubble bath!
DallasRain's Avatar