Good places to stay in Wichita

Anyone have a list of good places to stay and or activities to do in Wichita for the weekend?
slimpickin's Avatar
Unfortunately there's not a lot going on with the virus lockdown. Some restaurants have opened but many are still just doing carry out. Most all museums, theaters, and other public places are still closed. Walking or riding bikes around the river is pretty but that won't keep you entertained the whole weekend. Sadly, Corona has made us very boring.
and more broke
The lockdown is over
Thanks everyone for the good response
However I've already left Wichita so you'll have to view my website
JamiePricefield's Avatar
That sucks I was about to contact you
Hey guys I had such a response about Wichita I'm considering coming back Tuesday and Wednesday if you would like me to please shoot me a message ASAP