Nudity in Posts

g89753's Avatar
I am posting here at the suggestion of someone in the Nebraska pages who is identified as a moderator.

First, I would like to know the reason for the ban on nudity in posts on this site.

Second, I would like to know the justification for banning nudity in posts on this site while permitting VERY explicit nudity from the advertisers on this site.

Please tell me the rules - I will follow them. But I would ask that the rules be consistent, and I would like to understand the reason behind them.
IQ160's Avatar
  • IQ160
  • 07-06-2018, 12:36 PM
I had the original post to which the OP is referencing. To whit:

Has anyone received a reasonable explanation as to why nudity is no longer allowed for posting on this site? It’s not as though other sites have no nudity on them. They can invoke a tag called NSFW which would work like PRIVATIE tags in that it would suppress the display of pics with the tag unless a switch was turned on in the settings that allowed those pics to display. Simple and we can get back to seeing tits, pussy and ass. Your thoughts?