Chavez body to be permanently displayed

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Good lord.

Hugo Chavez's body will be permanently displayed in a special tomb, Venezuela's Vice President, Nicolas Maduro, announced Thursday on state television.

Maduro said the official state funeral will begin tomorrow at 10:30 ET. Some 30 heads of state along with delegations from 50 countries are expected to attend. Following the ceremony, Chavez's body will lie in state for seven additional days, so that more people can see it.

People have been waiting up to 12 hours to pay their respects in a line that snakes for more than a mile.

Maduro, now the interim president, also announced that Chavez's body will be preserved in the same manner as that of Russia's Vladimir Lenin or China's Mao Zedong, so "he will always be with the people."
Visitors will be able to view Chavez's body in a special tomb now under construction in a Caracas museum devoted to his populist revolution. The site is called el Museo Histórico Militar de Caracas or Cuartel 4 de Febrero.
Maduro again called for peace and calm and thanked the public for respecting the solemnity of this occasion.

Chavez, the socialist leader who ran Venezuela for 14 years, lost his two-year battle with cancer Tuesday. His illness was first detected in his pelvic region in 2011. He was 58.
Just like Lenin.

That's the way it goes with cult of personality leaders and their mindless minions.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They should go one better and contact Disney. Then they can....wait a minute. There won't be any body in three days. According to Chavez he will rise from the dead in three days just like Jesus. So moot point. What day did he die?
We already have Easter.... what would we call his special day?
You gotta be shitten me.

This says it all. It sums up the entire situation that we are dealing with.

Good Grief............
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 03-08-2013, 07:22 PM
Fuck em, the bastards dead. Who gives a flying fuck what those idiots do with his body.
JCM800's Avatar
permanently displayed like how, a mannequin? fucking creepy would that be
Hey, the only reason the Russians still maintain the upkeep on Lenin's Tomb and Corpse is it is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Moscow.

I suppose ole communist Vladimir would be rolling over in his grave, (if he had one), if he knew is they were using his remains as a goulish capitalistic endevour.

Hey Hugo. Rot in Peace.......
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Who in their right mind would want to frame an ugly monkey face like Hugo Chavez to begin with?

. . . Wouldn't the sonofabitch scare the childfren?

. . .