Morning Humor

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Never Assume Men Understand

At a coma intensive care unit, nurses were giving a woman her daily sponge bath when they notice something rather peculiar. Every time the nurse was sponging the woman’s genital area, her blood pressure, breathing and heart rate increased. They tested this reaction several times with the same results.

Excited, the nurses went to the woman’s husband and explained the situation and told him that, while highly unorthodox, oral stimulation may bring his wife out of the coma. They assured the man that they would close the door and he would have complete privacy with his wife.

Skeptical, the man agreed.

Several minutes later, the woman’s heart rate, blood pressure and breathing all flat lined. The nurses ran into the room with a crash cart and barely brought the woman back from death.

Later, they asked the man what went wrong.
With a confused look, he shrugged his shoulders and said

“I don’t know, maybe she choked.”