question about privacy

Hello All,

Looking for some help here. I need to temporarily hide my account, so how do I go about doing so. A family member found my profile and has posted it all over social media. I don't want to close my account down, but I want to be hidden or temporarily invisible so people cannot see it until I am ready? Ive edited the pictures that you can for sure tell its me. But reviews talk about my tats and I have two very specific tats.

Can I change my handle without waiting for a mod to do so>

any help is muchoooo appreciated
Change your location to another state, far away.
Change everything you can in your profile.
ck1942's Avatar
imo, the "sudden"disappearance can also be read or blamed as proof the account is yours.

Let the mods know you have a security issue -- -- and try to have the account remain "live" as a distraction while to rearrange hobby affairs with a new more protected account.

Thing is, with the social media issues already out there, you're unlikely to be able to resolve any issues with family haters.

Wishing you best of luck on staying out of the family limelight.