As there has been so much discussion on Fandles, Bandles, Mandles lately I wanted to clear up some confusion.
Bandles, from the latin word "Bandleshit", are found in every chat room across the internet. They cross over racial as well as social boundaries. They all have commonalities such as disgusting appearances, horrible personalities & are often stricken with pronounced erectile dysfunctional tendencies. In fact, many bandles have no reproductive organs at all. And in some rare cases, have their appendages (read: PENIS) protruding from their face.
Bandles are largely worthless to an online community, although at times they CAN drive traffic. Much in the way people gawk when passing a fatal accident, they will click on posts to see what the bandle is up to & to see if it has died.
Contrary to popular myth, bandles are NOT born. They are shat. Many creatures can shat out a bandle, but the most popular are elephants as they can unload prodigiously large bandles.
Some growing online communities-those not yet seasoned-will actually PAY for bandles to infect their chat boards. Below I've posted a video of an unnamed MOD harvesting a fresh crop of bandles.