Ever saw a provider in public
Went to the movies today and I saw lilitaylor with a guy I don’t know if it was her bf or just a client but it’s a small world lol, she sure is beautiful just like her photos if not even better in person, she seemed friendly and sweet you can’t miss her because of her pale white skin, tattoos, nose ring and large beautiful eyes
- pxmcc
- 09-06-2024, 09:20 PM
only at the gas station..
she was like, how come i'm not your date tonite..
she was looking really hawt, so i said, " how's tomorrow 10ish"..
and she said, "perfect.."
I see you are a member sense 2013 who’s your top 3 amps
I’ve seen a couple Asian Indy’s out in public, one at a bank parking lot, the other outside of a grocery store. I frequently see an ex FS spa provider at the restaurant she now works in, I pretend she’s just a girl I’m familiar with and not from the industry. I gave a (current) FS spa provider a ride to and from an Asian grocery store in Chinatown a couple years ago right after a session, she wore sexy clothes and a small coat with fur around the neck, she was getting looks from other shoppers, lol.
- pxmcc
- 09-07-2024, 02:31 AM
I see you are a member sense 2013 who’s your top 3 amps
Originally Posted by Tonyanime
i see indies, mostly ebony spinners with some petite latinas thrown in for good measure. tried some amps and it wasn't for me.
I've seen several Asian AMP girls, either in restaurants, shopping center parking lots, etc. For me, it's never uncomfortable. I typically smile, as do they. If anyone were to ask me "Who was that?", I would say "oh, just someone I see in my office building from time to time...."
It happens.
I was in a grocery store when I rounded a corner and almost ran over a provider with my grocery cart.
We locked eyes, she smiled, I said how you do, and we went on our way separately.
As I get into the car to head home I start to think about her, particularly her boobs.
A text message and a few hours later...those boobs are bouncing again.
- pxmcc
- 09-10-2024, 03:09 AM
No, I have a hard enough time trying to get a meeting with ladies in private.
No, I have a hard enough time trying to get a meeting with ladies in private.
Originally Posted by MarcellusWalluz
Why your such a sweethart .. If I saw you out and you are alone I would wink (o)(O)
- Busty
- 09-10-2024, 07:23 PM
Gr8 track record
Almost 8 years
91 encounters
equal to 11 visits per year
Which is well above average
Gr8 track record

Almost 8 years
91 encounters
equal to 11 visits per year
Which is well above average
Originally Posted by Busty
Probably a lot more. Guys probably don’t review EVERY lady they see.
If I saw you out and you are alone I would wink (o)(O)
Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF

You would create a lot of stress on my pants zipper
You would create a lot of stress on my pants zipper
Originally Posted by MarcellusWalluz
Well we know how to fix that (o)(o) LOL
Yes, I have seen a few walking around and shopping in the Galleria. I do not recall any names, probably because they were not providers I’d actually actually had a session with.
One provider I happened to see, perhaps almost twenty years ago, in the ASPD days, while performing my former occupation, was not exactly in public, but at an apartment. Delayne, who had worked at a studio, was at this apartment. We exchanged knowing glances, and I slightly nodded a greeting, with a slight smile, but otherwise remained professional. I did not want to put her in a position of having to explain anything to a significant other. (Nope, I was not an apartment maintenance man.)
For those who have not been around a while, Delayne would emerge from a session glowing with perspiration, with rivulets of sweat trickling down her face and neck, from her hair, and still breathing as if having just finished an intense half-mile run. I never managed to schedule a session with her, but, oh, boy, did I want to make it happen. I was still fairly athletic then, back then, and wanted to try whatever it was that got her worked-up, and then lick the sweat from her body…