Maher says NSA is OK

Bill Maher said he’s scared and that’s why he supports turning America into a Stasi surveillance state. He wants the rest of us to be scared, too, so we’ll support the government. “You know, the fact that a city can be just demolished in one second kind of tips the scale for me. So, I’m not saying to look into your emails is the right thing, I’m just saying, I’m not going to pretend it’s because I’m brave; it’s because I’m scared,” he said.
This is nonsense. Does Maher really think terrorists plotting to nuke New York or Philadelphia would make plans using an iPhone or Gmail? Is he really that stupid? I don’t think so. Bill Maher is a propaganda tool used by the establishment. He gets on HBO and says what the establishment tells him to say. Otherwise he wouldn’t be on corporate television.
Cave dwelling terrorists don’t have nuclear bombs. The U.S., Russian, British, French, Israeli, Indian and Pakistani governments have them. Nobody has ever used nukes, except the U.S. government. It makes more sense to worry about General Electric’s nuclear plants on earthquake fault zones. Bill Maher should be frighten by the government and its bankster and corporate overlords.
Bill Maher works for them. He tells us he believes in Barack Obama and trusts him. Maher wants you to trust him, too. He wants you to believe the NSA’s surveillance program is aimed at terrorists. It’s not. It’s aimed at Americans who oppose the government.
This should be obvious by now. The IRS targeted political groups. The DHS produced secret reports portraying “right-wing extremists” as a threat to national security. It squashed the idealistic and naïve Occupy Wall Street movement. The government targets leftwing activists and has done so since COINTELPO in the 1960s. In order to keep up the charade, the FBI periodically sets up clueless patsies and parades them before the establishment media. The patsies are invariably mentally ill or delusional and incapable of organizing let alone pulling off a terrorist attack.
The government is not worried about terrorists. In fact, it creates most of them. The government wants to make sure you never challenge its monopoly on power. It wants to make sure you never get the chance to organize an effective opposition. It wants to make sure you continue marching in left versus right circles that produce nothing but futility.
That’s what the NSA surveillance grid is all about. Bill Maher knows it. He’s not worried about crazy terrorists with suitcase nukes. He’s worried the United States will once again become constitutionally limited republic where the sort of big and intrusive nanny-state government he supports and his liberal friends worship will become an impossibility.
"Party First, Country Second".

Even though Candidate Obama spoke out with the strongest words against the very activity his Administration is now engaged in, he is first, and foremost, a Democrat. His followers trust, and obey.

We all know EXACTLY what that hypocrite Maher would be spouting if there was a Republican doing this.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-11-2013, 06:25 PM
"Party First, Country Second".

Even though Candidate Obama spoke out with the strongest words against the very activity his Administration is now engaged in, he is first, and foremost, a Democrat. His followers trust, and obey.

We all know EXACTLY what that hypocrite Maher would be spouting if there was a Republican doing this. Originally Posted by Jackie S

makes you wonder doesn't it?

The President's Surveillance Program (PSP) is a collection of secret intelligence activities authorized by then President of the United States George W. Bush after the September 11 attacks in 2001 as part of the War on Terrorism. The Terrorist Surveillance Program, which authorized warrantless wiretapping of international communications where one party to the communication was believed to be affiliated with al-Qa'ida, is the only part of the President's program that has been publicly disclosed. The other intelligence activities covered under the same Presidential authorizations remain classified information, although the Attorney General publicly acknowledged the existence of such activities in 2007.[1] The other activities have reportedly included data mining of e-mail messages[2] and telephone call detail records in the NSA call database.[3]
I B Hankering's Avatar
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where's the LINK to the POLL I posted, Captain Corpy?

Or are you too busy hurling insults to acknowledge your ongoing lie?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
makes you wonder doesn't it?

The President's Surveillance Program (PSP) is a collection of secret intelligence activities authorized by then President of the United States George W. Bush after the September 11 attacks in 2001 as part of the War on Terrorism. The Terrorist Surveillance Program, which authorized warrantless wiretapping of international communications where one party to the communication was believed to be affiliated with al-Qa'ida, is the only part of the President's program that has been publicly disclosed. The other intelligence activities covered under the same Presidential authorizations remain classified information, although the Attorney General publicly acknowledged the existence of such activities in 2007.[1] The other activities have reportedly included data mining of e-mail messages[2] and telephone call detail records in the NSA call database.[3] Originally Posted by CJ7
Uh, wasn't Obama supposed to be DIFFERENT than Bush? Didn't he campaign on Change? Why are we accepting what he is doing because Bush did it?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-11-2013, 10:19 PM
its acceptable now because it was then

call congress and ask them why
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, even though Obama campaigned on Change coming to Washington, he really didn't mean it, and we shouldn't care. Ok, I get it now.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-11-2013, 10:33 PM
So, even though Obama campaigned on Change coming to Washington, he really didn't mean it, and we shouldn't care. Ok, I get it now. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
unfortunately, you wont ever get it
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, I probably never will. I expected President Obama to keep his promises. He didn't. If he had, I'd be the biggest Obama supporter on here. But he lied, like a typical politician. And he continued the policies of the banks and major corporations, just like he was supposed to, although he promised he wouldn't. And instead of being the most transparent administration in history, his is the most secretive. Another lie.

No. I don't get it. But I am tired of it. Tired of politicians lying and getting away with it. Ignoring the Constitution with impunity, and getting away with it. Sending our best and brightest off to die in wars of no meaning or consequence. Engaging in crimes against humanity by killing innocents in the name of "peace".

I don't get it. I hope I never do. Then it will mean I have become compliant like you, and will no longer have the will to resist the tyranny that is coming and is already here.

I don't get it. Good for me.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-11-2013, 10:45 PM
No, I probably never will. I expected President Obama to keep his promises. He didn't. If he had, I'd be the biggest Obama supporter on here. But he lied, like a typical politician. And he continued the policies of the banks and major corporations, just like he was supposed to, although he promised he wouldn't. And instead of being the most transparent administration in history, his is the most secretive. Another lie.

No. I don't get it. But I am tired of it. Tired of politicians lying and getting away with it. Ignoring the Constitution with impunity, and getting away with it. Sending our best and brightest off to die in wars of no meaning or consequence. Engaging in crimes against humanity by killing innocents in the name of "peace".

I don't get it. I hope I never do. Then it will mean I have become compliant like you, and will no longer have the will to resist the tyranny that is coming and is already here.

I don't get it. Good for me. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
no you prolly wont .. lemme help

The Patriot Act is a law passed by cogress , congress has to repeal the law to get it off the books ..,Obie or the next dink in line doesn't have a magic wand.

ring any bells Lawman?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama is under no obligation to enforce the Patriot Act. In fact he signed it, along with NDAA and other draconian police state legislation. Don't pass this off on Congress alone. Obama's hands are ALL OVER this. He is the same old dirty, corrupt politician like his forbears. There is no doubt about that. Hope and Change? Bullshit. Same shit, different President. I don't know why you hate Bush, when you defend Obama everytime he does something Bush did.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-11-2013, 10:55 PM
Obama is under no obligation to enforce the Patriot Act. In fact he signed it, along with NDAA and other draconian police state legislation. Don't pass this off on Congress alone. Obama's hands are ALL OVER this. He is the same old dirty, corrupt politician like his forbears. There is no doubt about that. Hope and Change? Bullshit. Same shit, different President. I don't know why you hate Bush, when you defend Obama everytime he does something Bush did. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

at least you admit you'll never get it

knda like you'll never get your wish to crush the IRS and elect Johnson, only different