How do I leave a review...I’m new, help!

Met with a provider on here. I am a new basic member. I want to give her a well deserved review. How do I do that?
dj8rocks's Avatar
Click on the state that the appointment took place. If she was independent, scroll down to the "Independent Provider Reviews" tab. Click on that tab, above the reviews, you will see two tabs "New Thread" and "New Review" click the New Review tab, fill in the blanks and submit it. Be sure to read the "stickies". They will be the first couple of threads under the review section, it will give you guidelines on how to properly fill out a review. Good luck, dj8
Did I mention I’m new??? WHERE do I go to click on the state where appointment took place?
dannyboy13's Avatar
How did you find the provider? Go to the state and city where she advertised, and you met with her. Click on Reviews-Independent Providers (if she’s an independent) or Reviews-Agencies if she works for an agency. At the top left of the review page is an icon that says something like New Review. Click on that and start writing.
HoustonRiley's Avatar
Welcome.... I see you haven't figured out her Review yet. Good luck learning the site you'll get the hang of it.
On main page, scroll down to your State and city and click. Then scroll down to independent reviews thread and click. On the left there should be a review tab. Click on that and write a review.
Hint: open another tab and find your providers eccie page. You're going to have to copy and paste email, phone number, link, ect. I just firured it out myself. Good luck!
Ok, I’m the newest idiot. I’m not sure what page is the main page. I’ve gone to “Search Providers” and “Browse Showcases”, entered the location on each. I can’t find a Reviews-Independant provider link there. Maybe I’m not on the main page? I don’t see any main page link either. I’m sure I’m missing something obvious but I could sure use some help!