Points Mechanism

Wakeup's Avatar
I told you guys once before...consistency in moderation...you all need to get on the same page...

I'm not arguing points, simply because with this mod it's a waste of my time to argue points he issues to me. I'm inquiring about the length of time before points expire. I have three active sets of points, two for "Unnecessary Rudeness" (again, I'm not going to start on that rule or how arbitrarily it is applied) and one for "Disrespect to Staff Member". My "Disrespect to Staff Member" infraction expires in what appears to be 180 days. Six months for disrespecting a mod, no problem that must be the standard.

Here's the problem. My first "Unnecessary Rudeness" infraction from a mod in the National forums expires in what seems like 360 days. A year for rudeness, especially when it's so arbitrary in its application seems excessive, and in view of my "Disrespect to Staff Member" expiring in 180 days. However if that's the standard then that's the standard and I don't have a problem with it. Now my latest set of points, again, for "Unnecessary Rudeness", expires in 480 days...


Feel free to explain how you all consistently and even handedly apply the application of infractions here in Houston. That's my question to the Staff. Explain your "standard" for this, because the conduct from this moderator, in the absence of standards, is beginning to seem "arbitrary and capricious", and is exactly what I warned you all about when we had this discussion concerning the placement of Alerts and consistency in moderation. After all that discussion we're already back to this again?

So...please explain the board, or at the very least, Houston standards for length of time on infractions and how it is determined.
I am so sure the staff appreciates your advice. Can I nominate BW to be Wakeup's personal mod? That would be so sweet.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Here is what it looks like to me from my short time here.... if I am incorrect than one of the elder statesman can correct me here.....

The points are set up in value and in expiration time by the owners and admins and is put into the system to where we have no control or editing ability for any of those values...... it appears to me that these values (expiration wise anyway) change with mulitple violations of the same rule.... so while your first Unnesissary rudeness expires in 12 months.... the 2nd (while within the timeframe of the first infraction) will not expire for 22 months...... I will dig further for a more difinitive answer if you like.... but that is what I see just from a quick glance....

Wakeup's Avatar
22 months is over 600 days. Mine expires in 480. JaD, as long as you're telling me that the mod who shall not be named has no control over anything but pushing a button, then I'm fine...
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Yeah.... pretty much how it looks..... tougher to look deeper into it from my phone....


The points are set up in value and in expiration time by the owners and admins and is put into the system to where we have no control or editing ability for any of those values...... it appears to me that these values (expiration wise anyway) change with mulitple violations of the same rule.... so while your first Unnesissary rudeness expires in 12 months.... the 2nd (while within the timeframe of the first infraction) will not expire for 22 months...... I will dig further for a more difinitive answer if you like.... but that is what I see just from a quick glance....

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
JaD pretty much hit the nail on the head...

Points, as well as bannings can be "lifted" or reduced...however, sometimes it's up to the individual Moderator who "gave" the points, other times admin or ownership will "make changes" as they see fit.
Mojojo's Avatar
JaD is exactly correct. Just so everyone knows that all the mods are on the same page ill reiterate that when an infraction is issued, the system generates expiration dates based on how the owners and admins set the system up. We have no way of altering or assigning expiration dates.
Guest110713-1's Avatar
Wake up you still hitting St James?
Wakeup's Avatar
Naw, hitting bed...
Sarunga's Avatar
After my recent experiences...I wanted to make a suggestion. Wasn't quite sure where to post it....but looks like this is the right forum. Will try to do that...probably later today.
Mojojo's Avatar
Sarunga there is a suggestion forum on the main page, it might do better there.
Sarunga's Avatar
Actually that does look like a better place....well, it's also a compliment for the way you guys handled my recent situation. Thanks.
Sarunga's Avatar
Guys, just posted it: http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=283547

Please take a look....and feel free to comment.
Sarunga's Avatar
Well...it does look like I'm trying to hijack this Thread...my humble apologies to WU.

Just wanted to let you guys know that I've added a comment to my Thread in the Suggestions Forum.
Mojojo's Avatar
Thank you.