Himeros Desire God....and guys like him...what do you do??

MajicPlayground's Avatar
Ok, enough is enough. I have been polite, respectful, firm, even mean....and apparently I'm talking to a wall. So perhaps I'll ask for some feedback from the group here as I know some of the ladies have had similar experiences.

What started as a fun hobby relationship has devolved into what feels like a nightmare! Had a few sessions with the client, developed a good rapport, all good. One thing bothered me about him always pushing for more time, keep playing, even well after our scheduled visit. But I figured that's on me to control. Also had a couple off the clock times that were pretty good....with the exception of the keep pushing for more and wanting free sessions.

Fast forward to a night when I text to see if he wanted to play, I was bored. Long story short, he said yes, then lied about why he didn't show up. Really only realized it when I had dinner with the lady he had been with lol. Not really a big deal, we laughed, talked about shared experience with him then took a selfie of the two of us and sent it to him. I figured this along with a brief note stating I had no interest in seeing him anymore, would be the end of it.

Apparently not. Numerous PMs asking the see me, repeated PMs of me saying no. And yet another local provider shared even more craziness....seems he did all this and more to her as a different handle, pelicanboy, and is up to the same thing again. Add to that, hes complaining that IM the reason no one will see him.....WTF??

As I said, I had no hard feelings, just no interest in ever spending time with him, paid or otherwise. But it seems he just won't stop. I finally figured out the ignore button but not sure what all that hides/shows.

So....since in this town, there are those of us who DO talk with each other and look out for each other, it stands to reason if you mess with too many of us, word gets out. Works that way on the guys side too. I try very hard to maintain a classy reputation and to be respectful and kind always.

What do you do when that doesn't work?

Thanks for letting me vent...just so frustrated over this, truly never had a guy refuse to take NO for an answer
LOL Hard to fix stupid ⌚
Himeros Desire God's Avatar
I love this shit, Meredith, occupied my time far better than magic mouth or miss magic could have possibly ever done, this is why Miss magic or magic playground what the fuck ever you want to call this older yet very entertaining lady! She is upset with me because I chose Meredith over her . I am sorry magic playground, but Meredith is by far one million goddamn motherfucking percent better than you. I know that this is the reason why you are upset with me because I chose to spend 4 1/2 hours with Meredith versus spending a few hours with you, Meredith allows me to pop as many times as I want, yet I do enjoy at least 4 pops. I am not trying at all to upset you because I do enjoy bouncing from your mouth to your pussy to your ass back to your mouth back to your pussy and back to your mouth all over again a lot and as me and you both know I don't wear protection when I'm fucking you; however I want to fuck you! You my dear can take an ass fucking like no other and beg for more. And that is one reason why I would love to fuck you again and again and again to all those who read this I want them to know you are an absolute jewel of Shreveport that I did enjoy fucking the dog shit out of for three or four hours even though you could not get me off for the third or fourth time like your suppose to, your beautiful sexy absolutely perfect friend destiny could, you miss magic are only good for two pops to destiny is good for at least four and my dear I might add that is at least five hours of of fucking. I expect and I am willing to except any rebuttal that you my very beautiful provider and willing to partake and say . And like I said to all of those who read this magic playground or MMM is and always will be a very wonderful Jewel of Shreveport Bossier. Miss magic I do love and I do miss fucking you!!! If anyone has any questions about any enjoyable experiences that I have had with Miss magic or any enjoyable experiences that Miss Magic has paid for to have just let me know. I love you MMM. And I cannot lie I want to grunge fuck the shit out of you right now, just the way we both like it!! Sweet dreams baby
Himeros Desire God's Avatar
I am ready... see y'all... I have the....POPCORN. Lol
MajicPlayground's Avatar
All of that is beside the point, no fucking means NO honey. I've never been mad at you, more accurately I was amused, but also repulsed by the lies....when there was no need for them. I'll leave the details Meredith shared with me between she and I...they are far different from yours. Anyone who knows me knows I value honesty and respect above all. And NO still means NO. all ask is that you respect that...too much? Really?
MajicPlayground's Avatar
And let's ask....how many ladies have you over stayed and/or underpaid? Yes, THAT is the biggest complaint about you. And that is rather presumptuous and rude of you sir!! Shame on you for assuming you're THAT gifted...trust me, you are not lol.
MuffinMan's Avatar
Tread carefully both of you! Since both of y'all have hai triggers, I'm closing this thread for the night in hopes that you both settle down and maybe just don't post again when I open it up tomorrow to get others to weigh in. All of this is unnecessary.
Dittychaser's Avatar
Are you sure Himeros is pelicanboy? This guy? https://www.eccie.net/member.php?u=61855 That would mean he has 2 active accounts.

Did notice pelicanboy's last activity was 11/08/2016 and Himeros joined 11/12/2016.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Based on his reply to my PM and what Destiny told me, yes they are same person. My bad on not doing my homework, I didn't realize other account was still active. Mod Muffy, can you weigh in on this plz?
This guy is a real dip shit and ruins the hobby for people that respect privacy and enjoying good times and friendship.the
REST ASSURED, I will not be seeing anyone that has been with this dirt bag.
Only a person without a brain put in coed things that should be private and expect that he can continue on as he is the greek god. Lol Yea he is
I would bet that the ladies check out his reviews on both his sites and make sure they dont come across this guy.
Never seen a person like this here in SBC.
Oh well I am out and sorry about my comments but I hate people that think just because they pay they can abuse the situation.
Ladies it is up to you not my business but I am through commenting on this guy and plan to stay away from anywhere he has been.
Are you sure Himeros is pelicanboy? This guy? https://www.eccie.net/member.php?u=61855 That would mean he has 2 active accounts.

Did notice pelicanboy's last activity was 11/08/2016 and Himeros joined 11/12/2016. Originally Posted by Dittychaser
That would explain the turd in the punch bowl.
AchillestheTrojan's Avatar
Jesus Christ. This guy sounds like a real winner. He expects 4 pops? I could do that when I was 18 but now, lol. Plus airing out the whole bcd uncovered activities. Guess money comes with a certain price, no pun.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Let's clear a few things up since I'm the one that started this thread, however it seems it was long overdue. Did I have unprotected play with him? Yes. Do I feel the need to justify my reasons? Not at all. What I want to clarify, because I DO practice what I preach, is that I ALSO go to the clinic for monthly screenings in SBC, and in depth screenings 4x a year in PA. I have the paperwork to back it up....so if you ask me, best also be prepared to show yours after all this BS. I can show the cash receipts as well....how many of you put out 8k a year JUST for tests so you can have peace of mind? And I know that more gents and ladies alike have their favorites that they build trust with and sometimes take things to a different level. I like to make sure I'm able to do that occasionally without worry. I'm always honest, and always respect my partners choices as well.

I am very aware that this is an entertainment business. But that does not mean I, or ANYone, should feel like we DESERVE to be disrespected or that our time and efforts are worth less than the one paying for services. When those are actually even paid for. Ask yourself, HDG, why you only got two pops from me when you felt you were owed more. Could it be that we were already way over time? And even tho I don't WATCH a clock, I do expect you to honor the request of STOPPING the activities or pay to stay longer.

And let's air one more thing if you want to continue to paint me as the scorned lover and all around bad person...if that's the case, why would I have felt empathy for you when you lied about an accident that left you broke and alone? When I was out of town and paid for a session with another provider for you. Does that make me a fool? I don't think so....to me it was doing something nice, adding to my own karma bank. But yet you insist on building bullshit stories? Blaming me because you say no ladies want to see you? Honey I didn't do that, you did. So if you have a reputation for being a pushy cheapskate that can't take no for an answer, then look in the mirror babe!

Take your lumps this time instead of hiding behind another handle. I called you out on a public forum because I have the integrity to not whisper behind closed doors ABOUT you, or anyone.
  • jwood
  • 02-20-2018, 01:45 PM
Wonder if you hadn't text him that night, if you would still be seeing him?
MajicPlayground's Avatar
No, I wouldn't. There were too many lies for me to be okay with lol. Unnecessary ones at that. And the time he is referring to was back in October. Since then, No still seems to be a problem for him, hence this thread.