... As we see the 2004 election cycle play out - and we
see the polls show us that Trump is in the lead -
can there really be any doubt?
... Any doubt that Trump is SUPERMAN?! ...

... Yep, the facts are clear... He's not Batman

or that famous fellow Elvis

of Trump might be Greater!

... Trump is just SUPERMAN - fighting for American values.

... Who else could expose the DC "Swamp" and all its lawlessness
and corruption... Who else could point out the weaponing of
the FBI and DOJ - who even pushed a false "dossier" in a sad
attempt to destroy His presidency?
... Who else is fighting for the American people by
pushing back in court at all the corruption and the
two-tiered system of justice that has surely damaged
the reputation and standing of those once fine institutions.
... SUPERMAN Trump is the one!
... No wonder Trump's leading nationally, and in almost all
of the swing-states... The people want Trump back on again
- to save the nation from the disaster of Biden's presidency.
Where personal choices of what cars you buy, and what
gas stoves you want to use... All the way down to what
you even say - as your "Free Speech" rights are surely
being taken from you.
... The American people are making a choice.

As more and more of them show their support!
... Peace, Prosperity and Strength with Trump

over war, poverty and weakness with Biden.

... Trump - a TRUE American Hero!

#### Salty