Encounter: +1 to the Tiffany Dash fan club

Midniteluvher's Avatar
Date: 3/29/2019
Name: Tiffany Dash
User ID:: 450736
Phone: see ad/showcase
Email Address: tiffanydash@protonmail.com
URL / Website: https://eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=450736
City: Houston
State: Texas
Address: Undisclosed location
Activities: please see ROS
Hair Length and Color: past shoulder length and black
Age: early - mid 20s
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Black/African
Physical Description: Sexy slim, light bright just like the pics in her showcase. We went througt
Recommendation: Yes
Captain.Classic's Avatar
Very nice review of Tiffany! She never disappoints...
Welcome into the fan club. I was one of the early members. She is outstanding.
midnite312004's Avatar
Yes sir that's her MO to attack you with a DFK. She is consistently excellent. Very accurate description of her being a beautiful sorority girl or cheerleader that you thought you had zero chance with. Welcome to the club.
tennisguru's Avatar
Totally agree - I am a big fan of hers!!
TheGentleman56's Avatar