What is your preferred time to visit a provider?

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Hello all!

I was hoping to get a little input & see what time is most convenient for you to meet with a provider?

Is there a particular time of day OR day of the week which consistently works best for you?

- Thanks!
Italia DiBella's Avatar
Seriously, 8pm--??
Italia DiBella's Avatar
RRF's/= Recent Return Friends = Anytime
TryWeakly's Avatar
Wait, didnt you retire?
Ripmany's Avatar
I like 4am it very ideas the bars are well out, the cops are done with there sting, the thugs are in bed it just me and tire chick who just lays there anyway. After noon very high risk.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Seriously, 8pm--?? Originally Posted by Italia DiBella
I wish I would have picked more polling options when I clicked on create poll, but I only picked 9, then I couldn't go back & edit it

RRF's/= Recent Return Friends = Anytime Originally Posted by Italia DiBella
I agree. I will certainly see repeats anytime if my schedule allows.

Wait, didnt you retire? Originally Posted by TryWeakly
I'm trying to find a happy medium between this life & my real life. It comes down to my time being so limited nowadays.

I'm thinking about keeping my number connected & only seeing those I've seen before since I've never had someone I've seen before NCNS.

I've also been considering adding an option for a 30 minute appointment, but it's hard to justify the expense of a hotel being so low volume. Thankfully the past few weeks I've been able to use the 200,000 plus hotel points I've accumulated over the years.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I like 4am it very ideas the bars are well out, the cops are done with there sting, the thugs are in bed it just me and tire chick who just lays there anyway. After noon very high risk. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Are you waking up at 3am for your 4am appointment or have you been up all day/night?
Cendell M's Avatar
I found that most of my clients like the lunchtime area between 12 and 3, few are morning time.
I chose the time slot from 12 to 1pm. It's a good time slot.

Precovids, I always tried to hobby between 4 and 6pm. I usually was on my way home from work and could pop in for a HH or and Hr.

Post covid, I work from home and anytime between 9am to 3pm works well for me.

After 7pm, way too late.
viking14526's Avatar
7:00pm weekdays ...I have a lot of things going on during the day with business. Nothing better than after a grueling day at the office to unwind and relax with a lovely lady.
boardman's Avatar
Mid to late morning usually works best for me.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 03-30-2022, 06:47 AM
^^^ same as the cat lover for me.
latinluvr465's Avatar
9am to 11am. Still eager to start the day and not worn out by the end of day.
ICU 812's Avatar
I am retired and living with family. My ability to schedule time-away is limited to occasional windows of opportunity in mid-day, say 10 AM through 2 PM. When seeing an Indy Provider, I try to schedule a ninty minute to two hour session depending on time, availability and my hobby budget. This gives us time to be social without being rushed. With two hours, the provider doesn't feel we have to jam everything into a one-and-done event.
When the wife is working