This ought to be fun!

I'm in!

Not a single person in any party or or of any political persuasion voted for this nutcase and I'm getting very tired of hearing what he thinks would be best for this country!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
He is an American citizen and has the right to petition the government. No one had to sign anything but many did. So what is your problem with free speech anyway?

As for 25,000 signatures....I am sure the fix is in already.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-02-2013, 12:38 PM
He is an American citizen and has the right to petition the government. No one had to sign anything but many did. So what is your problem with free speech anyway?

As for 25,000 signatures....I am sure the fix is in already. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Grover requires government officials to sign the pledge or be blackballed, which is more or less political balckmail ... no surprise youre ok with that.
Grover requires government officials to sign the pledge or be blackballed, which is more or less political blackmail ... no surprise you're ok with that. Originally Posted by CJ7
No, it isn't blackmail of any kind.

And Grover can't blackball anyone. He can only threaten to try. That's true for every political activist or group, not just Grover.

The politicians who signed it did so because they were looking for easy publicity and to burnish their fiscal conservative credentials, not because they were afraid of Grover.

Anyone that wanted to could have told him to stick the pledge up his ass. Some did.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-02-2013, 01:21 PM
No, it isn't blackmail of any kind.

And Grover can't blackball anyone. He can only threaten to try. That's true for every political activist or group, not just Grover.

The politicians who signed it did so because they were looking for easy publicity and to burnish their fiscal conservative credentials, not because they were afraid of Grover.

Anyone that wanted to could have told him to stick the pledge up his ass. Some did. Originally Posted by ExNYer

I beg to differ ... the big shots (Koch et al) that back Grover have more juice at the polls than a team of draft horses at a wagon pulling contest. If they choose to back their candidate, and starve out another chances are their $$$$ trumps anyone elses ... IMO, what we see on the surface of the pledge isnt what we cant see behind the scenes ..
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Both parties have "big shots" that call the game. The Koch brothers, George Soros, et. al. That's the problem. The "big shots" call the plays, not the people.
One person one vote (I hope)
So . . .JD BarleyCrap is more concerned with Grover's right to free speech than mine! I've seen Grover's resume and I know mine -- I earned whatever rights I choose to exercise after multiple years of protecting everyone's rights in places you've never been.

Typical . . . and predictable.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I didn't see JD trying to restrict your speech. He disagrees. That's what free speech is about.

Thank you for your service, but that doesn't make you right, or smart. It does deserve respect and thanks, however.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-02-2013, 06:03 PM

I hope Grover is finally exposed for the Senator Joe McCarthy like asshole he is. It is about time some of you in the GOP grew a backbone to this bully.
Old Phuck . . . you can't even read well . .. much less form an intelligent argument.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How about a city counselmen refusing the right of Chik Filet from opening a store in Chicago. I take it you support that. I never said I support anything Norquist said other than his right to free speech. Yoiu sound like a junior Storm Troooper.