Rich businessmen pulling out of France as tax-hit looms
A placard reading "for sale" on a balcony of an appartment building is pictured in Paris' eighth district in September 2012. A flood of top-end properties are hitting the market as businessmen seek to leave France before stiff tax hikes hit, real estate agents and financial advisors say.

AFP - A flood of top-end properties are hitting the market as businessmen seek to leave France before stiff tax hikes hit, real estate agents and financial advisors say.
"It's nearly a general panic. Some 400 to 500 residences worth more than one million euros ($1.3 million) have come onto the Paris market," said managers at Daniel Feau, a real-estate broker that specialises in high-end property.
While it is not yet on the scale of the exodus of rich French after the election of Socialist president Francois Mitterrand in 1981, real estate agents said, the tax plans of France's new Socialist President Francois Hollande are having a noticeable effect.
While the Socialists' plan to raise the tax rate to 75 percent on income above 1.0 million euros per year has generated the most headlines, a sharp increase in taxes on capital gains from the sales of stock and company stakes is pushing most people to leave, according Didier Bugeon, head of the wealth manager Equance.
French entrepreneurs have complained vociferously against a proposal in the Socialist's 2013 budget to increase the capital gains tax on sales of company stakes, which they argue will kill the market for innovative start-up companies in France.
Entrepreneurs in the high-tech sector in particular often invest their own money and take low salaries in the hope they can later sell the company for a large sum.
They say a stiff increase in capital gains tax would remove incentives to do this in France. They also argue that capital has already been taxed several times in the making.
The government has since backtracked, and Budget Minister Jerome Cahuzac pledged Friday to return to the status quo when someone who has created a company seeks to sell it later.
French officials are looking for ways to reduce the country's excessive public deficit and debt, and Hollande won election on a platform of making the wealthy carry more of the load.
Bugeon said he was seeing start-up entrepreneurs looking to move their headquarters out of France and taking their families with them.
With the Internet "it is now possible to work in any corner of the world and come and spend one week a month in France," said Thibault de Saint Vincent, president of Barnes France, the principal competitor to Daniel Feau.
"Those who are going abroad fear a future tax on capital movements," he added.
Daniel Feau agreed that the profile of those who are leaving has changed, from the idle rich to "managers of major international corporations, entrepreneurs and investors much younger than previously who are scared of the marginal tax rate of 62.21 percent on sales of stock."
The head of the French employers federation Medef, Laurence Parisot, has complained recently of emerging "anti-enterprise racism" in France.
No one is certain if the rush to the exit will continue, but Daniel Feau noted: "Nobody until now believed that the capital gains on shares would be taxed so high."
And it is not only the Paris region, more offers are coming onto the market in other areas of the country as well, the realtors added.
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The preferred destinations of those leaving are London, New York and Geneva, as well as Canada, Israel and Singapore, said Laurent Demeure, head of Coldwell Banker France.
He also noted that Brussels remains a favourite of those older, who have already sold their business interests, and are looking to benefit from Belgium's lighter taxation of trusts to pass on inheritances to their children.
"Next year to have dinner with friends, instead of a taxi I'll more likely need to take the Thalys for Brussels or the Eurostar to London," joked Demeure, referring to high-speed trains that link the three capitals.
He said he is currently receiving on average one request per day to appraise a luxury apartment or home.
As a result, in the previous two to three months the price of large Paris apartments had slid by five percent.
The real estate agents don't expect a collapse, however, as the offers to sell still remain low and interest by foreign buyers firm.
Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici said he has seen "no indication of a massive fiscal exodus".
He told the daily Le Parisien that debate on the 75-percent income tax bracket was "closed" but noted that it was only a temporary tax for two years.
Just as folks are fleeing California; for Utah, Texas, Colorado, Nevada and other free states.....the wealthy will flee the high tax countries.

With a Romney win, America will welcome them with open arms.
SEE3772's Avatar
2013 the laws change in America... those who want to leave America without taking a massive financial hit.
America is a broke Police State with one of the most brainwashed populations on the face of the earth.

Mark Nestmann's Escape From America—The Second Passport, Expatriation, and International Tax Planning Seminar. October 26-27, 2012
2013 the laws change in America... those who want to leave America without taking a massive financial hit.
America is a Police State with one of the most brainwashed populations on the face of the earth.

Mark Nestmann's Escape From America—The Second Passport, Expatriation, and International Tax Planning Seminar. October 26-27, 2012 Originally Posted by SEE3772

Curious, COG's postings are down in number......but, the similarities between these 2 are..................NAWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, that would be a crazy conspiracy theory!!!!!
SEE3772's Avatar
Curious, COG's posting are down in number......but, the similarities between these 2 are..................NAWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, that would be a crazy conspiracy theory!!!!! Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
All my posts are backed up by financial charts and or straight from the original source. You talk like a parrot using that old government/media propaganda term Conspiracy Theory. Romney and the right are not going to save you. As far as the numbers, this is not a competition. I don't get off on posting serious issues/news that people need to be aware of. People like you are why things in America are insolvent.

Good Luck...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
First people complain that I post too much, now they wonder when I post less. Can't win. I am not SEE3772, but I respect his posts. You would do well to pay attention to them. And mine.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I met a couple originally from California, both were living on state pensions.
I asked them what part of California they lived in and they said they moved to Nevada because it was too costly to live in California.
I met a couple originally from California, both were living on state pensions.
I asked them what part of California they lived in and they said they moved to Nevada because it was too costly to live in California. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Might it be too costly because of state pensions?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
......and other things. I see you grasp the irony of it all.
First people complain that I post too much, now they wonder when I post less. Can't win. I am not SEE3772, but I respect his posts. You would do well to pay attention to them. And mine. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Don't mistake what I said.....I like the fact that you picked up more hours at Walmart and are posting less.....I'm just worried it may not be true and SEE3772 is really you posting under another identity.....he sounds just as bat-shit crazy as you do with your moral-equivalency arguments.......

After Nixon, Ford, Bush1, Dole, Bush2 and McCain, Romney looks great! I'm not thrilled about Romney because he's no Reagan, but what the hell, not bad.....

He's certainly better than Gary Johnson with his addiction issues and questionable ethics/morals..............If Gary Johnson can't win a Republican primary, he sure as hell can't win a general election.....At least he's making a shit-load of money running for president!
TexTushHog's Avatar
I actually talked to my French real estate agent last week. No real evidence of the market softening yet, he says. No increase in listings outside of Paris, and according to him, most of the new listings in Paris are being listed significantly above market value. He thinks that very few people will actually leave. But if they do, one man's misfortune is another's opportunity.
I actually talked to my French real estate agent last week. No real evidence of the market softening yet, he says. No increase in listings outside of Paris, and according to him, most of the new listings in Paris are being listed significantly above market value. He thinks that very few people will actually leave. But if they do, one man's misfortune is another's opportunity. Originally Posted by TexCumHog

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... ......your head is's talking about high end properties in Paris and your "French" real estate agent is Jacque Ewing Johnson who sells trailers outside Amarillo........

TexTushHog's Avatar
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... ......your head is's talking about high end properties in Paris and your "French" real estate agent is Jacque Ewing Johnson who sells trailers outside Amarillo........

HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
Look at his listings and judge for yourself if prices are down.
LexusLover's Avatar
Look at his listings and judge for yourself if prices are down. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Listings vs. sales.

A new prospect.
TexTushHog's Avatar
As I said, my agent say that there is no decline in prices yet. But I'm keeping a very close eye on the situation. And if there are declines, so much the better for buyers like me.