Sexual Aura Energy Cleanse

First Step:

Grab a journal or notepad.
Burn an orange candle (for the sacral chakra)
Write down each name of past sexual partners. This includes same sex partners or if there were any molestation or rape in your past.
Begin with the first partner of your life and move forward from there.
Answer these questions (skipping questions 1 & 2 in a non-consensual situation:
Why was I attracted to this person?
Why was this person attracted to me?
What emotions did I walk away with?
What emotions did they walk away with?
What did I learn?
Second Step:

This process may be done in a time-frame lasting one day to a few weeks. I suggest completing the process in no more than 30 days. You may decide to complete one person a day or several. It really all depends on the emotional trauma as well as time. This is not a process to rush through. Be completely focused on the task at hand with no interruptions, stay in the now while also reflecting on the past.

On a small scrap piece of paper write down your ex-lover’s first name.
Burn the name with the flame from the orange candle.
Pay close attention to the smoke.
Lie down, place hand on the sacral chakra (two inches below belly button) *If doing this with a current partner, allow them to place their hand here as well.
Visualize that same smoke that came from burning their name with the candle.
Say to yourself, your body and your mind, “I release the aura and energy of______.”
Imagine that smoke rising from underneath your hand.
Lay here for 5mins or so.
If any intuitive thoughts or visions come to you, write them in your journal.
Repeat these actions of the step 2 process until all names have been released.

Dj1981's Avatar
What if you cant remember all the names, so much paper would be burning in my house it may cause a structure fire.
Do stage names or handles work? In RW if I didn't know name, can I just assign them numbers?
Prowordsmith's Avatar
Geez, all I did was set my hand on fire