Well, just like us all, I am moved by sexy body parts...but I have to say I am a sucker for a beautiful smile and bright eyes. Some ladies just light up a room. And then there are those that have that sexy sultry look that equally stop you in your tracks. with their piercing, soul penetrating sexy glance, lips puckered and eyes saying f""" me please.
So I will suggest my first thread....please post photos of those faces that turn you into a pile of goo...without the capacity to speak. You know what I mean...the ones that could look at you the first time you meet and smile and say, "baby, can I have your car keys" and you might actually do it.
And girls, please feel free to self promote...the more the better.
I will start off with one...Shayla (love her look, she can do both the sweet and the sultry)