OK, let me start with some important caveats:
- in many other cases I disagree with Piers and I do not regard his reputation as a journalist highly. He has a history which I find distastful.
- it is, of course, impossible for an outsider to be anything other than an object of hatred, so nothing Piers ever says will ever have any influence. I can go further and say that Piers, or any foreigner, should not engage in this type of discussion, it is not appropriate for an outsider.
- when I first saw the videos and comments, I hesitated to comment, because anything would be swamped by the 'he's British tell him to fuck off' knee jerk. But after watching several times, my views have changed and I can;t disagree with anything he says. Not the right person to say it, but the right things to say, and be angry about.
But, if you put these aspects aside, i find I agree with him. I just wish it came from the mouth of an American citizen, to avoid the irrelevant ad hominem accusations.
Gottlieb appears to be so stupid.
For those of you who say he's British, he has no right to comment, I say fuck off cunt, listen to his arguments and facts. The fact that he is British is irrelevant, Argue the facts.
Are there US commentators who can argue the issues in such a way? I hope so, I so wish it didn't need a British person. We would not tolerate an American fronting a major news show (although we seem to be happy to install a canadian as the next bank of england governor).
Actually, in the second video, two out of the three interviewees show the normal US sense of common sense, and present the facts. They clearly state the great consensus amongst the US people, and how out of touch the NRA leaders are. Indeed, NRA leaders are accused of enabling mass murder. Rightly.
Listen from 9:30.
Thank god for the vast majority of sensible americans. Fuck the lobbyists.
If a US citizen was vocal about changes in Britain, my reaction would, naturally, be of great defensiveness. But maybe that is my problem, and I should listen. But fact is, an outsider has already lost before they open their mouth. Sad fact of life.
Sorry for the rather confused message, but I am angry about how stupid people can hijack a debate, and I am even more angry about over 10,000 deaths a year.