Encounter: DP fun

roger.77's Avatar
Date: 10/10/2024
Name: Daniela Lucia
User ID:: -
Phone: -
Email Address: danielaluciatx@protonmail.com
URL / Website: https://preferred411.com/P418563
City: houston
State: Texas
Address: Near-galleria apartment complex
Activities: daty, dato, tuha, cowgirl, 69, doggy, msog, mish
Hair Length and Color: Butt-length dark brown hair
Age: 20's
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: Daniela is a very gorgeous latina girl with long dark hair, spinner type, very nice breasts, and beautiful long hair. She's thin and nimble.
Recommendation: Yes
Dorian Gray's Avatar

Sogar der Führer schaut sich das an
: Even the Führer is looking at this one sideways :
Pyle1's Avatar
  • Pyle1
  • 11-21-2024, 07:50 PM
Thanks for the review. Sounds like a freak
DoubleEagle's Avatar
Pyle1's Avatar
  • Pyle1
  • 11-26-2024, 09:18 AM
DoubleEagle's Avatar
Some things (and many on this site) just make you say "bullshit".
Yea story a little hard to believe. That being said ive done greek with providers who state “absolutley no greek” on their ads so that part could be believable.
We have a duck on Turkey day…quack,quack, quack
dogtown's Avatar
Dear Penthouse... interesting review.