Portland mayor to leave home targeted by protesters

  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2020, 04:20 PM

(Reuters) - Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said he planned to move out of his apartment after repeated protests outside his building demanding he resign over his handling of months of anti-racism protests in the Oregon city, according to a report.

In a Tuesday email, Wheeler told residents of the building in downtown Portland it would be best for their safety if he found a new home, The Oregonian newspaper reported on its website.
“I want to express my sincere apologies for the damage to our home and the fear that you are experiencing due to my position,” Wheeler wrote, according to a screenshot of the email sent to The Oregonian.
Wheeler's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Portland has seen over 90 days of protests calling for policing and social justice reforms since the killing of George Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man, by police in Minneapolis on May 25.
Demonstrators have gathered outside Wheeler’s building calling for him to step down over police violence, including the use of tear gas against demonstrators.
Police declared a riot on Monday and arrested 19 people as some graffitied the walls of the building, smashed windows and threw burning material inside, Portland Police said.
President Donald Trump has seized on civil unrest in Portland and other cities to criticize Democratic leaders and call for "law and order" ahead of the Nov. 3 election.
"Mayor Wheeler just got harassed out of his own home in Portland by so-called “friendly protesters”. The Anarchists, Agitators and Looters treat him HORRIBLY, even though he is so nice and respectful to them. Criminals only understand strength!," Trump tweeted on Wednesday.
Wheeler, who has blamed Trump for stoking clashes, on Tuesday asked the city to join him in "denouncing violence" after a Trump supporter was shot dead in Portland on Saturday.

Awww - racist marxist DPST mayor Wheeler - who told his terrorists "I*m with You" - got harassed out of his apartment by his very own radical terrorists. I am amazed he would show any concern for fellow tenants in the building - but likely he is being guided by PR - just as he hopes to escape his enabling, fomenting, and ownership of the terroist violence that has made Portland unlivable - and people are fleeing!!!

To damn bad Teddy boy - no sympathy for what you enabled - and own - when the consequences of lawlessness and terrorism in Portland fall on your own damn head.
With all due respect...fuck 'em.

The Oregon sheriffs that wouldn't put their men in harm's way to be used as pawns, I respect. Glad they spoke out.
Reminds me what Malcolm X said about chickens coming home to roost.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Brown shirts are trying forcing the issues ( Big T & guard )
its likely the mayor is apologizing further for his whiteness and feels he deserves to be run out of his apartment

he just wasn't respectful enough

he needs to foot wash the rioters and more
  • oeb11
  • 09-03-2020, 08:14 AM
mayor wheeler and gov Kate Brown have knowingly endangered the law-abiding citizens of Portland by enablinig and fomenting the riots. wheeler was quoted in a riot - he was maced and mocked by the rioters - when he stood up and proclaimed - "I am with You" - referrin to the rioters.

Kate Brown is part of teh issue.

trumps hands were tied - without request for national guard and presidential assistance - which was repeatedly offered - it is difficult to justify Sending in the National Guard by Trump.

Wheeler and Brown should be arrested and brought up on charges for their dereliction of duty to ensure the safety and rule of law for the citizens of Portland.

an article on the process:
Can The President Really Order Troops Into US Cities?

Texas A&M experts explain the Insurrection Act of 1807 and the powers it gives a president to deploy the military on domestic soil.
By Caitlin Clark, Texas A&M University Division of Marketing & Communications June 5, 2020

mrmxmr's Avatar
democrat voters take a good look at wheeler and all these democrat mayors and governers.

They wont burn , but you will !! they will sacrifice all you love and hold dear rather than let trump put an end to the destruction , mayhem and loss of life happening in your cities and states.

You are meaningless and expendable to them. In the past we would hear give your life for your country and freedom, in these cities its give your life for hate and division and the loss of freedom and most definitely not our country !

Hows it feel to be a pawn !! and maybe soon to be a dead one ! or more accurate the fear of losing your life !
  • oeb11
  • 09-03-2020, 08:44 AM
Wheler and Brown need to come out with the terrorists - and scream with them "Dictatorship of the proletariat"!!
They do love their Stalin and Lenin, mao, Kim, and Pol Pot. - which is where they plan to send America.

They can pry my weapons from my cold, dead hands with a large pile of criminal DPST's in front of me!
the rioters tried to set his apartment on fire

but at least it was a mostly peaceful fire
  • oeb11
  • 09-03-2020, 08:59 AM
NGIT - satire of the LSM!!

well written.

Cuomo and Lemon could broadcast that without a moments second thought .
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Can ya blame him for wanting to move out of a shit-hole city?
HedonistForever's Avatar
democrat voters take a good look at wheeler and all these democrat mayors and governers.

They wont burn , but you will !! they will sacrifice all you love and hold dear rather than let trump put an end to the destruction , mayhem and loss of life happening in your cities and states.

You are meaningless and expendable to them. In the past we would hear give your life for your country and freedom, in these cities its give your life for hate and division and the loss of freedom and most definitely not our country !

Hows it feel to be a pawn !! and maybe soon to be a dead one ! or more accurate the fear of losing your life ! Originally Posted by mrmxmr

I think you and I look at this in the same way but extraordinarily enough, some if not most Democrats have been told and they believe, that the violence is all Trump's fault.

After months of not saying a word, even acknowledging there was any violence even while a burned out building is showing in the background as a CNN reporter is telling you that these are "mostly" peaceful protest, Biden and the Democrats seeing the poll numbers change in Trumps favor, got together and decided that they could no longer not speak of the violence but here's an idea "let's blame it on Trump and our brain dead followers will swallow anything we say, right"? Right, and so they did. Now their slogan is "it's Trump's America so all this must be Trump's fault". SMH

So while Democrats are constantly saying that Trump followers will believe anything he says, some do, some tune him out, they to will
believe anything Biden and Pelosi tell them without any critical thinking.

It's Trump's racism that is causing all this! So what was causing the death of Black's under the Obama administration or did death by cop not exist for 8 years under Obama?

This is a local issue, done by local police, sometimes with good reasons, some times not. When it is not for a legal reason, cops are being put in jail left and right. Very few are escaping justice these days if they have in fact after a through investigation are shown to be at fault.

Latest incident is now in D.C. where another Black man has been shot dead and preliminary reports are that the man had a weapon but BLM ain't waiting for no investigation. We seem to have reached a point where no Black man can be shot even if he has a gun and has threatened a police officer.

Last night, I'm watching these "peaceful protestors" outside the precinct of the latest shooting where officers are blocking the entrance to the precinct to keep it from being over run, can't believe I'm even saying that in America and here are these people with bullhorns a foot away from the ears of police officers, yelling and endangering the health of the police and they are just suppose to stand there and be abused? WTF? And worse yet, here are a couple of females shining strobe lights in the eyes of police again, only feet away from their faces and they are just suppose to stand there and take this abuse? Why? Why not arrest this person and if the mob attacks, draw your weapons and fire on them. Fuck this shit!

Now the Mayor, a die hard supporter of the violent protesters, if he wasn't, he would have ordered it stopped, has to move out of his condo because his comrades are threatening to burnt the building down if he doesn't resign.

You know that old saying Mr. Mayor, "you get what you pay for", "you reap what you sow", "you lie down with dogs, you can expect flees".

Once again, proof positive this has nothing to do with protests against Trump. Trump is not the Mayor of Gov. of Portland. These are Anarchists, which BLM has now become, who don't want any politician of any party in power. They want to install their own Marxists revolutionaries and if Biden isn't willing to do this, as many Democrats say he isn't, why would they stop what they are doing? Do we think we have seen the last Black man shot in America when over 50% of all violent crime in America is committed by Black males? And if police are forced to "draw down" due to money being taken away, retirement and resignations due to not being respected and supported by authority, the violence will decrease?

Stay tuned America because no matter who is elected, America is about to be transformed into a country will will not recognize if we are un-willing and unable to stop this violence and with DA's in all these Democrat cities refusing to prosecute arson, looting and beating people on the streets, how do we think this is all going to end?
  • oeb11
  • 09-03-2020, 11:35 AM
it will end as the criminal DPST's intend - Bernie and AOC plan for violent marxist revolutionary control of America.

civil War is coming.
The One question - will the military bow to these marxist revolutionaries if elected by a blinded American public. ?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Portlandia is lost , like Detroit all the workers businesses will move out leaving a even bigger shithole that the dim-wits can pour mo money into
Self hating white people are violent and dangerous