Hot and Sexy Threesomes

Lillygirl's Avatar
Sadly as of this morning the threesomes from Lolahhhh and I have been discontinued due to extenuating circumstances... She no longer lives with me because of these circumstances... I apologize to anyone of you that have been inconvenienced because of this decision. I hope everyone has a happy New Year!!!
Damn, isn't that about right......lov'em and leav'em. But that's the way this hobby is suppose to work though. She did pay you for your time didn't she? I suppose she took "The Big Purple Friend" with her right ...the one that will never need a blue diamond ? Well maybe you can find another play mate soon......good luck. Sorry to hear things didn't work out for you two but then again that's the hobby.
Lillygirl's Avatar
Oh no lol... Why would providers pay each other to play? But thats part of having roommates
Lillygirl's Avatar
The removal of Lola from my home was not only for my safety but for your safety too... I'm not perfect either but jail is not in my future, I do feel bad for doing this and do miss her but I can't risk my home and life.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
You did what you felt was needed. Your safety and comfort is #1 ALWAYS. I'm sure the other hobbyist will understand.
Lillygirl's Avatar
I'm sure many are disappointed but crap happens for a reason
Sorry you're going through all that, Lilly. But from what you've posted, it sounds like you've made the right decision.
Lillygirl's Avatar
I love her like a sister, I really do
So was she just not screening to your liking or what?
Roll Tide
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
So was she just not screening to your liking or what? Originally Posted by Iridemhard
I would like to know a little more also. Not necessarily full details, but enough to understand what the safety issues might be. I really hope that both of you are doing well.

Being a newbie, I've been considering several options. A threesome with you two was one of them. What a way to start - my first threesome. She and I had talked about screening, but we hadn't done anything yet..
Lillygirl, keep me out of your eccie drama. I chose to leave.
Lillygirl's Avatar
No sweetie I told you to pack your things because you were leaving... All I did was inform people that threesomes were no longer available. It's kind of hard to chose to leave when I'm kicking you out.
I chose to leave. I paid my rent so I have the choice to stay. You're not on the rent so you can't kick me out. Yes you said pack your shit and leave, but I wanted to. Fuck living in a slob. I woke up this morning to texts saying if I was alright and telling me how tacky it was for lily girl to post this. Do not post another things about me. Keep your drama to yourself. If you're going to air out your dirty laundry, leave mine in the basket.
Lillygirl's Avatar
Come get the rest of your shit before its in the fucking yard.