Question for the ladies - Short notice

Is it considered ok or rude to call a provider and say something like "I can see you if it is right now"? The problem I am having is here lately every time I try to set aside some time to play, something always comes up even before I can contact any of the ladies. However I do have days when I am presented with a last minute opportunity, just like today I got to work and everything on my schedule from 8 - 10 had been cancelled.... My first thought was playtime!!! But I did not contact any of the ladies because I was worried about coming off as rude or demanding. Ladies I would really like your opinion on this matter. Thanks
It's not rude to let the provider know that you have an available time frame. If she's able to accommodate, great... If not, she will probably just do your screening so you can be spontaneous for the next opportunity.

It's always nice to have a regular that you can rely on for these situations. That way, screening isn't an issue and the only battle is coordinating your schedules.
Yes Ginger I fully agree...I recently found out that one of the higher class ladies is not to far from me and as far as I know we are ready for an appointment. I just didn't want to shoot myself in the foot by calling if it wasn't the correct thing to do.
My suggestion would be to go ahead and contact the lady or ladies you're interested in. Make them aware of your situation. Provide them with the info to do your screening with and then when the opportunity arises, ask them if they're available.
hogmanjones's Avatar
I have the same situation with work, schedule can be volatile. I'll ask, and worse case scenario is the lady says no. I try to explain the work thing, and hopefully they understand that I'm not just playing games, but it's hard to predict the schedule. I don't recall last second requests ever pissing any of the ladies off.
kenzsquatch's Avatar
Both ladies put it very well. It is not rude if asked properly but I bet a good number of hobby men act like children if denied immediate service. Men gettng all butt hurt ant posting trash will most likely never get much more than a no answer. I realize we all have time constraints but so do providers.
hogmanjones's Avatar
Absolutely right. If you're going to make a last minute request, you better be prepared for 'no' and understand if it doesn't work.
but mommy, i want that titty now!!
BabyDallass's Avatar
Make sure you have a room or somewhere for her to go to... A lot of providers are not open to fucking in their some have drivers so good luck!