UFO Documentary on Showtime

TheWanderer's Avatar
I watched the first episode of this 4-part series the other night and was fascinated and entertained.

First of all, I am not a believer in ghosts, the paranormal, Bigfoot or Aliens....yet, anyway.
However, if I ever see one, I'll change course.

Many times in the past, I'm sure we have all have seen grainy pictures of a flying saucer, descriptions of little green men and people from a trailer-park that got abducted and had scientific experiments performed on them. Not to mention Area 51.

However, this documentary is different. Recently, the U.S. Military and Pentagon have released statements confirming many of these sightings and are no longer denying it.
This series is interviewing Navy pilots, Navy Radar control operators, local residents and even a billionaire who specializes in exploring the unknown phenomena in space.
UAPs - Unidentified Aerial Phenomena is the new terminology.

Some of the segments I saw were fascinating. One of these things identified as a tic-tac shaped object actually engaged a Navy pilot in an F18 for a short period. This thing flew circles around his jet.

Always in the past these stories were covered up and quickly disappeared. They also discuss a secret Pentagon program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification program that usually gathered up any evidence and disappeared with it.

Anyway, it's worth checking out. They show 1 new episode per week, usually on Sunday night at 8pmCT. You can stream it as well.
billw1032's Avatar
Some of the segments I saw were fascinating. One of these things identified as a tic-tac shaped object actually engaged a Navy pilot in an F18 for a short period. This thing flew circles around his jet. Originally Posted by TheWanderer
There's been a bunch of this stuff coming out lately from very credible people. Regarding the Navy F18 incident in 2004, search YouTube for the Lex Fridman interview of Cmdr. David Fravor. Cmdr. Fravor has done a bunch of other interviews as well. One of the most credible reports ever, and he can relate to the Navy videos taken on the East Coast more recently.

A lot of other credible stuff is around if you're interested, much of it on YouTube. Look for Bob Lazar, George Knapp, Jeremy Corbell. All pretty credible, and you'll get more leads from there if you're interested.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Thanks billw, I will do that. I am not an expert on this because I have usually ignored these stories but when they have eyewitness accounts from very credible people and video footage, I think this may become my new special interest/ hobby.
Odd timing on the government admitting to their knowledge
playerplano's Avatar
I watched the first episode and enjoyed it . There is a lot of rehashing of old documentaries but all brought together in a good presentation. I found another one called Unidentified : UFOs in the headlines. One issue I have with the current showtime series is I don’t think they are highlighting when it’s untouched original images and when it might be a special effect. If all the imagery is real and original it’s the best visuals of UFOs I have seen.
craze danz's Avatar
I watched the YouTube L Fridman interview of David Fravor, appreciate the tip on that. There are handy time stamps Fridman put in, if anyone wants to focus on just the seeing of unexplainable things by Fravor(tic tac shaped flying object). The whole interview is long and goes into a lot of other things not U-flying-object related.

I like hearing from someone like Fravor on this topic since he does not come off as sensational, seems very level headed, does not want to go all "little green men" and make wild conjecture, and he has a lot of knowledge of what flying craft can do and cannot do, at the world's current known technology anyway. His mind is not closed though at the same time.

One good point he makes (I thought so anyway)in response to the possibility of sightings being secret testing by a government: an expensive new classified toy a government has is not going to be tested in an open area where all can see it.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Watched last night's episode and found some of it to be comical but at least it does explain some things about Areas 51 and 52.
Turns out the U.S. government was only too happy to help spread disinformation (or what they called Counter-intelligence) as to help perpetuate that what people were seeing were actually UFOs.
They were doing a lot of testing of high altitude spy balloons, lasers, aircraft and who knows what else during the 50s and 60s and if the public though they saw a UFO, well that needed no further explanation from the government. "Maybe that was a UFO."
I can understand that, we're in the middle of the Cold War, you cannot explain to the public or the Russians exactly what you might be testing.

However, that doesn't explain sightings over the Pacific Ocean and around the rest of the world. I do not think the government is testing things around our own F18 Hornets, that would be far too dangerous to our own pilots and the military.
craze danz's Avatar
The Joe Rogan interview of Bob Lazar is really something else.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Aliens come help
TheWanderer's Avatar
The Joe Rogan interview of Bob Lazar is really something else. Originally Posted by craze danz
Okay, I watched that. Then I looked up Bob Lazar and read about his history. In summary, he is a career conspiracy theorist with a detailed educational and work background that cannot be validated. He claims to have degrees from MIT and CALTEC but none of this can be verified. He also claims to have worked at a "double-secret probation" site at Area 51 known as S-4. Also, unable to be verified.

He does own and operate United Nuclear Scientific Equipment and Supplies, which sells a variety of materials and chemicals.
That's where I do all my nuclear shopping.

On a side note - In 1990 Lazar was arrested for aiding and abetting a prostitution ring. This was reduced to felony pandering, to which he pleaded guilty. He was ordered to do 150 hours of community service, stay away from brothels, and undergo psychotherapy.

But we all have our skeletons I guess...lol
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
There's another show on HBO called "The 100 Foot Wave" that's really good. It's on Episode 6 this week and is probably the best. Some of these surfers have some giant balls of steel on these 75 foot tall waves. Lots of broken limbs and backs.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Yeah, i have seen the 100ft Wave show too. It's great. Reminds me of Point Break when Bodie was looking for the ultimate ride.
craze danz's Avatar

On a side note - In 1990 Lazar was arrested for aiding and abetting a prostitution ring. This was reduced to felony pandering, to which he pleaded guilty. He was ordered to do 150 hours of community service, stay away from brothels, and undergo psychotherapy.

But we all have our skeletons I guess...lol Originally Posted by TheWanderer
Wonder if Lazar has an eccie account, ha.

I've looked up all that stuff on him too...did so before seeing interview... first heard about him around 20 years ago...Will his stories ever be verifiable? I don't know about that, but man I could listen to him talk for hours on end.
Commander Favor is the real deal. Here is a link of him on a PBS documentary called Carrier. He was second in command of the air wing. He is also on a Joe Rogan pod cast talking about the Tic TAC UFO incident!

TheWanderer's Avatar
Wow. I watched that link you sent which was about carrier landings on a pitching deck in 30 foot swells. Cannot even imagine the pucker factor with that.
Then I watched the YouTube with Joe Rogan.


Hard to not believe a no-nonsense guy like Commander David Fravor.