Here are a few of the lives that the Obama economy has destroyed...........


Our recovery out of the recession should have been robust. It wasn't. Because of Obama's failed polcies, failed agenda, and incompetance millions of Americans are hurting.
BigLouie's Avatar
Gosh I don't know, maybe if Bush and the Republicans hadn't got the US into such a deep hole and recession people would not have had to count on Obama to fix 6 years of Republican mistakes in 3 years. Heard from Phil Graham lately?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
*Sigh* It's all Bush's fault. We know, BL.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Gosh I don't know, maybe if Bush and the Republicans hadn't got the US into such a deep hole and recession people would not have had to count on Obama to fix 6 years of Republican mistakes in 3 years. Heard from Phil Graham lately? Originally Posted by BigLouie
BigLouse, didn't you vote for Odumbo who promised he could fix everything with 'Hope' in just three years? Have you heard from Odumbo's buddy Jon Corzine lately? How about his other buddy, Jamie Dimon? And isn't your boy Frank following Dodd's lead this go around -- sorta taking the money and running, aren't they?
