Ding Dong the witch is dead

berryberry's Avatar
Liz Cheney losing is the feel good story of 2022. God bless America!

berryberry's Avatar
berryberry's Avatar
One more step towards the Right Wing Pseudo Christian Psycho takeover of the country.

Hope y’all liked democracy, it had a good run.
eyecu2's Avatar
It's a bump in the road. You'd have to go to a near empty state to find near empty minds, to vote for an empty headed ho, who will be a do nothing in congress. She can join the likes of the "red" headed dumbass states who leach off all the blue states for support and income. (minus Texas). Hopefully you pube-tards enjoy all the dumb-assery that is coming your way. It's gonna look like another shit show.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
One more step towards the Right Wing Pseudo Christian Psycho takeover of the country.

Hope y’all liked democracy, it had a good run. Originally Posted by swpa1706
Let me get this straight. She’s elected to Congress to represent the views of her constituents, doesn’t do that so is tossed out on her ass by a huge margin, and this is somehow the end of democracy? Maybe I heard something wrong in 4th grade, but it appears that this is precisely how democracy works.
berryberry's Avatar
Let me get this straight. She’s elected to Congress to represent the views of her constituents, doesn’t do that so is tossed out on her ass by a huge margin, and this is somehow the end of democracy? Maybe I heard something wrong in 4th grade, but it appears that this is precisely how democracy works. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yep - libtard logic strikes again !!!!!!

Voters in a free and fair election choose by a landslide a person who best represents their views - but because libtards like the loser, its the end of democracy and just a bunch of "empty minds in an empty state".

Libtard logic 101 !!!!!!!
berryberry's Avatar
37 points making this the 4th worse incumbent loss since 1968. AND that is with some libtards registering as Republicans to vote for Cheney

rmg_35's Avatar
Unlike most in the reptard party. She actual had enough guts and integrity to stand up for what is right and not bow down to the tangerine turd.
rmg_35's Avatar
Liz Cheney opposed the Voting Rights Act, the minimum wage increase, Equality Act, Equal Rights Amendment, George Floyd Act, BBB, Infrastructure bill, Inflation Reduction Act, $35 Insulin bill, Women’s Health Protection Act, anti-gas price gouging bill—and voted with trump 93% of the time.

And another thought: she lost her primary by 40 points!

Please tell me again how the Republican Party is not a cult worshiping donald trump, because it sure as fuck looks like a cult to anyone that is not a "Republican". It's a fucking cult. Same on the reptards that are celebrating this.
berryberry's Avatar
berryberry's Avatar
Liz Cheney’s annihilation was a stunning rejection of our incompetent out-of-touch politicians – and anti-Trump Republican cry-babies should beware

Outgoing US Representative Liz Cheney didn’t just lose her congressional seat in the state’s Republican primary on Tuesday.

She got annihilated. She lost two-to-one. In numbers, that’s 66.3% to 28.9%.

Much will be made of former President Donald Trump’s successful quest to dislodge the po-faced Cheney. But onlookers should see the vote for what it is: A stunning rejection of the incompetent and abusive political establishment.

Plenty of Beltway Republicans are terrible. What makes Cheney different is her near-perfect embodiment of the political machine.

That ultimately is what got her fired by Wyoming voters -- and ought to be a warning to other GOP crybabies who whine about the New Right Trump has created.

Start with Cheney’s warmongering.

If it were up to her, America would be at war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Ukraine -- the type of forever combat that repels voters. When Trump modestly downsized America’s endless commitments in Middle East backwaters, including one in hopeless Syria in 2019, Cheney called it a ‘catastrophic mistake,’ adding that, ‘terrorists thousands of miles away can and will launch attacks against America. . .’ They haven’t.

When the Democrat-run Congress bizarrely impeached Trump after leaving office, Cheney sided with progressives.

She dismissed the many Americans who were understandably upset with irregularities in the 2020 elections, including millions of ballots sent out unsolicited by mail and counted without verifying identities. Of Trump’s attempts to contest the questionable outcome, she said he was ‘attempting to unravel the foundations of our constitutional republic.’

In fact, Cheney has done much to harm that constitutional republic.

Her eager participation in the McCarthyite kangaroo court that is the January 6 Committee is intended to give a bipartisan veneer to what is plainly a leftwing vendetta against Trump.

She has expressed little concern about the weaponization of the FBI and other parts of the national security bureaucracy to spy on and persecute Trump supporters and other skeptics of the establishment. Even as federal spending and deficits have gone from merely reckless to insane and helped spark inflation, Cheney has called for more and more to be spent on the military and intelligence bureaucracies.

In a way, Cheney is just being true to her own people and her home -- her true home, in McLean, Va. That leafy suburb of Washington, D.C., is home to the CIA and adjacent to the Beltway bandits that comprise the military-industrial complex of which Dwight Eisenhower warned.

Cheney grew up there and embodies the place perfectly. She only moved back to Wyoming when it was time for a promotion to Congress, and even then avoided the heartland city of Casper that was her father’s home and political base. She opted for fancy Jackson Hole instead.


snoopy75's Avatar
Let me get this straight. She’s elected to Congress to represent the views of her constituents, doesn’t do that so is tossed out on her ass by a huge margin, and this is somehow the end of democracy? Maybe I heard something wrong in 4th grade, but it appears that this is precisely how democracy works. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yes, this was exactly how I learned it in Civics class as well. If you don't represent your voters, they'll toss you out on your ass (66-29 wow!). Maybe she can represent Virginia now.

Everything leftists don't like is the end of democracy
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Trump is the dynasty killer. He crushed the dying remnants of the Bushs, then the Clintons, and now the Cheneys.
... What happened?? ...

... Wasn't that 6th January Committee with Cheney and
Pelosi and the Dems gonna sink Trump??

He's MORE popular NOW! ...

#### Salty