One Year Later - Obama, Jon Corzine & Jamie Dimon 'Connected Criminals'

SEE3772's Avatar
There remains more than $1.6 billion of customer funds unaccounted for and whether you believe PwC (as Forbes notes) were duped or not, one year on from MFGlobal, one thing is for sure - there is no more hated character in the pits of Chicago than Jon Corzine. CNBC's Rick Santelli says it all in this blockbuster rant against the incredible reality that this 'connected' individual has got away with monetary murder. Must watch - but beware your blood pressure... as he concludes "we haven't heard the end of this - Chicago will find the answers!"

CNBC Video - Rick Santelli: Corzine Unpopular Among Futures Traders

Former Gov. Jon Corzine was among President Obama's top fundraisers
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama's re-election campaign identified its top fundraisers on Tuesday, including 61 people who each raised at least half a million dollars. Altogether, the more than 440 fundraisers collected at least $75 million to help Obama win a second term.
A January presidential pardon for Corzine ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Corzine, Holder, there will be a long line for pardons.