Dungeon Recommendations?

As the remodel of my dungeon is almost done (and it's finally functional at this point) I'd like to know what equipment is most desireable.
One of the big questions is how much space do you have to fill? Some basic pieces might include a St. Andrews cross, a spanking bench, and a cage. That should give you the basic pieces of equipment for most play. If you have an overhead attachment point, that's good too. Most places don't lend themselves well to the install of an electric winch, but if you have the space, they sure make a lot of suspensions easier on you and your clients.
It's in a converted 2 car garage. I should be more specific on what I've already got: electric winch that can lift a car, in a recessed ceiling (11 ft up), queening chair, cage, glory hole, cross that is being custom made, massage table, and of course suspension accessories & whippinging tools.
houston_switch's Avatar
I would still recommend a spanking bench, where one could lay flat or bend so target area is at perfect height for paddle, whip, cane etc. strokes....
cumalot's Avatar
Stocks would go good...
Hrm, seems you are pretty well equipped. So yeah, a spanking bench and stocks would pretty much complete your set. I'm assuming you have attachment points on walls, high, medium, low? They give you lots of abilities to do different scenes.
Only thing missing is me!