little rock,ark lady here desperatly needs help lost wallat

  • Lynn
  • 01-24-2010, 08:08 PM
I lost my wallat yesterday and it had my id,money bankcards, and bus ticket in it. I am here foranother couple days poss longer till the 29th of jan possibly till feb 3rd. I need help geting to okc,ok Will someone please pay for my tciket there and or help with a plce to stay while im here? The bus tickets around 60 i think. Amtrak i prefer to take its 66. I will trade or whatever it takes. I was so devistated when i lost my wallat and it left me empty handed here in lilrock please please do help.
  • Sami
  • 01-24-2010, 08:30 PM
Guest022210's Avatar
If ever a girl needed a sugardaddy...
  • Randi
  • 01-24-2010, 09:19 PM
Maybe you could ask your friends from Ok!!!
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Bimboknocker's Avatar
If ever a girl needed a sugardaddy... Originally Posted by Lookin4
Maybe a sugar-phychiatrist
What is the proper etiquette on cyber-panhandling?

I guess the rules have to be made up as we go along...into the cyber-Wild West.

I once knew a worthless piece of human garbage that occasionally had a moment of insight...and he used to always say,

"Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance."

Unfortunately for him, he never took his own advice.

His philosophy would seem to apply here!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
What is the proper etiquette on cyber-panhandling? Originally Posted by Girl Nexxxt Door
I don't know about "proper". As for myself, I just kinda close my eyes and keep quiet in the hopes that will make me invisible. Out of sight, out of mind (which always translated to "Invisible maniac" in my mind, but anyway...).

I guess the rules have to be made up as we go along...into the cyber-Wild West. Originally Posted by Girl Nexxxt Door
I kinda prefer those games where I get to make up the rules as we go along. Maybe I have a chance of winning, for a change...


bcg (sure can't seem to catch a break when someone else makes the rules )
I know, we all suspect this to be a scam.

But what if it isn't? What if this is a real need?

I'm not in a position to help, but I would hate to believe that the whole group of us would deny this lady any help because we believe it to be a scam.

If you do help her, remember. What goes around comes around.

And even if you are scammed, you have probably laid up good karma for yourself.
Guest022210's Avatar
The last provider I helped,cost me about a thousand bucks and she texted me nonstop with new needs.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
The last provider I helped,cost me about a thousand bucks and she texted me nonstop with new needs. Originally Posted by Lookin4
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, read the book, and seen the movie. I was young and foolish, once.

Now, I'm old and foolish, and I'm such a sucker that if I were in LR I'd probably have to do the "Odysseus listening to the Sirens" thing, lock myself in my room, and order my best friend not to let me out until Miss Lynn got herself home, so tempted would I be to ride to her rescue.

So yeah. If she's scamming, I'm not in any position to criticize or ridicule anyone who gets suckered in. And if she's not scamming, I do hope the situation resolves favorably for her (I'm a cynic, but I'm not a heartless cynic).


The word resourceful comes to mind. To avoid the appearance of scam - (having taken the naive approach of the problems lost id, cash, etc can present) Perhaps established clients could contact her to schedule a session or two. Or perhaps she could bend her rule of only accepting appointments through p411 and since Lynn hasn't weighed back in, computer access might be an issue.

While there is a risk for her for bending the rules, it would generate the cash necessary to make it back home. I'm always in favor of helping those who are willing to help themselves. . . .

That being said I printed the t-shirt, wrote the book and produced the movie that BCG referred to. Like BCG I'm a member of CCC - Compassionate Cynics Club.
Ok I have been reading this and keeping quiet so far Not any more...With that said has anyone contacted Lynn to see if she did need help or it was a scam? (I just pm her. )

Girl Next door what it was you who was touring and lost your credit card , wallet etc or had them stolen and someone basically accused you of cyber pan handling when you truly needed help? or do you think you are above that? Just curious from how your post read.

Has that ever happend to any of you apparently from the post it hasnt... Let me tell you something no one gets up in the morning (especially when they are out of town) and says mmm I am going to lose my wallet and or get it stolen today... While it pays to be prepared just in case no one can be prepared for things like that 24/7. No one (sorry maybe the president and vice president of the U S are the exceptions to that) can be that prepared...

Girl Next Door how would you feel if you were in the Lynns shoes and another provider accused you of cyber pan handling when you were truly in trouble?

Now that I have pissed everyone off this morning I will say this Lynn if you are reading this and you still need help getting home pm me and I will help you .

I for one am tending to believe that is not a scam but in any case due to the fact that Karma is at b*** no matter who you are and it does come back to bite you I prefer to be a lady and help...

And if it is a scam then at least I still have a clear consciious and tried to help another provider...

Charles love your comments you are dead on..

BCG I too am a cynic but still I would hate for Lynn to be truly in trouble find a way home and leave Arkanas with the impression that the those in the hobby in Arkansas are so cynical that they refused to even consider to help her...
Guest022210's Avatar
I think what Girl was trying to say is that when a person winds up in a strange town with no money,no wallet, and apparently desperate it us not an isolated incident.Wisdom would dictate that you stay close to your base of support and build a happy clientele who are more than willing to reward a girl for her service especially at such a reasonable rate.
The unfortunate series of events that brought her to this point is because of a lot of bad choices,and bad choices cannot be fixed with all the cash you have.
That being said,I PM'd her too and we will see what happens.Anyone else?
Guest022210's Avatar
Maybe you could ask your friends from Ok!!!
More Miss Lynn - ECCIE - Your source for escort reviews Originally Posted by Randi
Kitten,if you read Ms.Randi's post you will see Girl did not miss the mark by much.This is not an aberration it is an M.O. But if she PMs me back,I will try to do something for her.If this ends badly you bleeding hearts are to blame.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
BCG I too am a cynic but still I would hate for Lynn to be truly in trouble find a way home and leave Arkanas with the impression that the those in the hobby in Arkansas are so cynical that they refused to even consider to help her... Originally Posted by kittendd
Hey, I'm in Memphis; if we work things right we can leave her with the impression that it's the Tennessee hobbyists who are the unhelpful cynics. I'm willing to take that bullet for my Razorback brethren...

More seriously, I agree, I'd hate for her to be truly in trouble and not recieve help, but those of us who have been burned once might be forgiven for being a bit hesitant to leap into the breach again (especially given the back history in the thread Miss Randi refers us to).

In my case, I don't have enough money to hobby right now (as I keep whining here...), so the question is moot for me, even if I wasn't cynical.

I can do no more than hope the situation resolves favorably for all involved.

