
What is the local expectation on tipping. I would rather save my money to buy more time. Besides, it seems silly, if not condescending, to tip an independent business owner. She sets the rates after all. Thoughts?
Tipping is never necessary. It is a nice gesture if you feel that your provider went above and beyond to make your time more enjoyable, though.

I've noticed that gentleman usually do tip on a date if they've had to cancel last minute on prior occasions, especially if the provider obtained accommodations.
I agree with Ginger if a provider obtained accommodation in order to make an incall for me, and I cancel at the last minute, then I not only owe her for the accommodation but for her time also. Now if she was going to use the incall location anyway, then I guess it is optional about the tip. If I obtain a location for an outcall and the provider cancels, then what should she do, give me extra time next time or a discount?
... If I obtain a location for an outcall and the provider cancels, then what should she do, give me extra time next time or a discount? Originally Posted by theotherguy1
I rarely ever cancel once I commit. When I've had to cancel though, I have offered extra time or a discount. Being considerate is definitely a two-way street.

That type of thing isn't a rule with all providers, just as tipping isn't expected of clients. But someone that appreciates repeat clientele would probably offer that courtesy.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
What is the local expectation on tipping. I would rather save my money to buy more time. Besides, it seems silly, if not condescending, to tip an independent business owner. She sets the rates after all. Thoughts? Originally Posted by Redcat
I rarely ever get tips. Most guys come with exact change. If I get a tip it's usually before they only have $20s and $175 doesn't go in to $20 that well. So I end up with a $5 tip.

I don't expect tips, I don't get upset when one isn't given. My job is to please you and I expect you to pay the amount I've asked. If I want more money, I raise my prices or we can have a longer date.

I'm not a waitress or a valet attendant.
TechOne's Avatar
Tips are the juice, when the house gets the cover...not here, but if the AMP asks for $100, and I get to pick my girl, then she gets another $60 if she is really good...and I let her know this up front with a whisper after we get to the room! That normally brings a big smile to her face!

I don't "tip" pimps...not intentionally anyway.
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Tipping is just an option that is out there. A lot of guys will tip if their time has ran slightly over just to try to compensate that a little bit. Others may tip if you do an outcall at regular rate in attempt to help pay for your gas as well as your time. Like I said before, it's just an option. Some guys do it and some don't. It's not expected buy can be a nice gesture from time to time.
Thank you all for your responses. I can see that tipping is appropriate in certain circumstances. I'll keep that in mind.
I tip often when a lady goes out of her way to accommodate me in various ways. Rather it be driving out of her way to stop and see me or simply goes that extra mile to assure that I'm smiling that satisfied smile before we part company.
These ladies work very hard at pleasing us in various ways and I appreciate their efforts, and when they excel,,,, I don't mind tipping at all.
But,,,,,,,,,,, in the same breath,,,,,,,,, I'll say that when a lady is indifferent about our meeting, I have no problem leaving it at a straight forward donation,,,,, and that's it!
I may not tip but I will never intentionally try to bargain you down. I will give you what you ask or do without or with less.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
This is why I factor in gas money for my outcalls outside of West Little Rock
Tip if you can and if service was worth it.

NOT tipping leaves you squarely in the middle of the herd.
I have always tipped because i have yet to have a bad session , but if I really like the provider I will tip her nicely so that she will remember me in a good way so our next session will be even better.