Jon Corzine - The Gift that Keeps on Giving

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Corzine is STILL bundling for the Obama campaign. Unbelievable. It's looking like Obama has just as much ability to lose this election as Romney has.
joe bloe's Avatar
Corzine has been a real unethical character for a long time. He made a big part of his fortune doing initial public offerings (IPO's) that were borderline illegal when he was CEO at Goldman Sachs. The scheme was called laddering. Corzine would do an IPO for a company and sell a few brokerage firms shares at deeply discounted rates so that the IPO skyrocketed immediately which triggered a feeding frenzy. He was basically priming the pump.

The fact that Corzine was a player in Democrat politics (senator and governor) really shows the level of corruption in the party. For him to be fund raising for Obama at this point shows how brazen Obama is. He thinks he's invulnerable. I believe that Corzine is trying to stay out of jail for his participation in the MF Global theft by essentially bribing Obama in order to keep the Justice Department off his ass.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Can you say, "Pardon"?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Goldman and Sachs is completely at home in this administration despite Master O saying he didn't want lobbyists in his White House. I guess if they didn't register then it's okay.
pyramider's Avatar
Goldman Sachs' influence is all over Washington.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Last week, in a small, nearby city, three guys tried to rob a bank. They were caught, arrested and put in jail. How is it that this Corzine jerk is still walking around free when $1.2 billion customer funds are missing – at his behest, and he is on record committing perjury?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-22-2012, 10:13 AM
The only way to stop this shit is to have an AG that will put these bastards on trial, convict their sorry asses, and send them to Leavenworth, not some fucking country club. That will never happen with this piece of trash we have in there now. Things like Roger Clemens are MUCH MORE important. God Damn how did our country get so fucked up?
When Bernie Madoff was found out, they went after him with a vengence, (rightly so).

So why all of the tail dragging with Corzine?
joe bloe's Avatar
When Bernie Madoff was found out, they went after him with a vengence, (rightly so).

So why all of the tail dragging with Corzine? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Assuming that's not a rhetorical question, the reason is that Corzine is a liberal Democrat and the decision of whether or not to prosecute is in the hands of other liberal Democrats.

Bernie Madoff stole fortunes from a lot of rich and powerful people; that's why he's in jail.

MF Global is simiar to the Enron bankruptsy and subsequent criminal prosections. Ken Lay, CEO of Enron, was a Republican and a major donor to many Republican politicians; but that didn't protect him from a Republican administration and a Republican AG.

It almost looks like Republicans have higher ethical standards than Democrats.
Assuming that's not a rhetorical question, the reason is that Corzine is a liberal Democrat and the decision of whether or not to prosecute is in the hands of other liberal Democrats.

Bernie Madoff stole fortunes from a lot of rich and powerful people; that's why he's in jail.

MF Global is simiar to the Enron bankruptsy and subsequent criminal prosections. Ken Lay, CEO of Enron, was a Republican and a major donor to many Republican politicians; but that didn't protect him from a Republican administration and a Republican AG.

It almost looks like Republicans have higher ethical standards than Democrats. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Good point Joe. Of course we are about right and wrong. They are about Deserve and Entitlements.....ijs
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-23-2012, 12:38 AM
Whatever republican gets in the white house, needs to make ME Ag, i'd put every one of those crooked bastards on trial, convict the ones that are guilty, and make them do HARD FUCKING TIME.....make the motherfuckers make sand out of boulders, with a freaking hammer....