He is Mr. Metta World Peace (aka Ron Artest)...you might know him as the major aassailant in the brawl at the Palace at Auburn Hills a few years ago........

More recently he is the thug that dealt a severe blow to Oklahoma's James Hardin........

Mr. World Peace reportedly broke the ribs of Michael Jordan in a pick up game a few years ago.....nasty fellow despite his phony name change.

Here is Mr. World Peace in action the other night...........


Here is Ron Artest in action at The Palace a few years ago........


"What A Disgrace"..................... ...the LA Lakers should terminate his contract immediately!
"Metta" = is a benevolence toward all beings, without discrimination, that is free of selfish attachment. It is a strong, sincere wish for the happiness of all beings.

The buddhists should sue this guy outta existence !

It makes you wonder why the Local District Attorney hasn't file assult charges.
That is not "part of the game".
He almost did a Kermit Washington like on Rudys T's face. I hope he is suspended for the playoffs.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-23-2012, 06:33 PM
Why do people think a player with those kind of anger issues will change? They rarely do.
Why do people think a player with those kind of anger issues will change? They rarely do. Originally Posted by Old-T
True, Kind of like when my EX-wife punched out a installer at my company's Chrismas party. Bitch is still Angry...LOL
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I thought that was Eric Holder doing an impression of Jerry Lewis.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
the talk up here in Thunder land, is he will a 5 game suspension
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Artest's just another coddled millionaire that you TPers want to give a bigger tax cut to. I'm surprised that you righty social thugs aren't more on board with his modus operandi. Hell, it's even a black on black crime, so what's your big deal? What's not to like from your "manly" standpoint? If this was a program cut dressed up a "small government," you peckerheads would be all behind it.
SARR's Avatar
  • SARR
  • 04-23-2012, 09:56 PM
I'd like to see him suspended for the remainder of the Lakers season and get 10 games clipped from the beginning of next season.
Also like to see the Lakers void his contract.
Won't happen though.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
my God candyforlittlegirls, it is only 10:50pm, you must have a day off from MickeyD's

but once again, your statements are just babble babble
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think the amount we spend on sports and entertainment is a sign of a sick society. I enjoy a good ballgame as much as the next guy, but I can't enjoy professional sports much anymore. Too many millionaire assholes with little or no sense or decency. I still like the Chiefs, but they are hardly a professional team anymore.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
my God candyforlittlegirls, it is only 10:50pm, you must have a day off from MickeyD's

but once again, your statements are just babble babble Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
cpLj, I'm all out of lines to connect the dots for you. I figured a complex thought would probably trip you up. Right again, dammit...heh heh heh.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
RaggedyAndy has proven himself incapable of complex thought.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
cpLj, I'm all out of lines to connect the dots for you. I figured a complex thought would probably trip you up. Right again, dammit...heh heh heh. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
as cog said

s expected, RaggedyAndy, you missed the point, and failed to answer the question. You may go to the children's table with Doofe until you can communicate like an adult.

But seriously, if raising the minimum wage is a good thing, why not $35 or more? The reason is, that would be stupid, of course. So what raise in the minimum wage would be smart? I think I have proven the absurdity that raising the minimum wage is a good thing. And of course, you have said nothing to disprove that. Therefore, raising the minimum wage is not a good thing, and harms the economy.

Game, set, match. COG wins again!

just more babble babble