Rectal Prolapse Video

tia travels's Avatar
I know i dont want to know how you came across this website!!!
Tia you come up with some of the craziest shit. lol
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I'm NOT clicking on that one!
tia travels's Avatar
It's not what you might think!
macksback's Avatar
Did you know on some potato chip bags it has a warning that the oil the chips are done in causes ANAL leakage?...lmao
tia travels's Avatar
No which bags are that? I'd like to read that.

p.s. That kitty avatar is adorable.
Lay's WOW Chips were fat free potato chips produced by Frito-Lay containing olestra. They were first introduced in 1998. Although initially popular, charting sales of $400 million in their first year, subsequently dropped to $200 million by 2000. This was largely due to possible unpleasant side effects such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, and anal leakage. Warnings were required to be included on the packaging, with the WOW bag bearing a warning that read, "This Product Contains Olestra. Olestra may cause abdominal cramping and loose stools. Olestra inhibits the absorption of some vitamins and other nutrients. Vitamins A, D, E, and K have been added."[1] In 2003, the FDA no longer required the warning as modifications had all but eliminated the risks. Around the same time, the WOW brand was renamed to "Light."
The problem it seems was the use of olestra instead of vegetable oil to cook the chips
I have seen it on other name brands also but this was the only factful piece i could find about it.
Seems like it was in Sun chips too at one time because I remember reading about it and laughing at Anal leakage.
p.s. Tia your kitty aint bad either
Thank you, no.
coast_encounter's Avatar
Good Times !!

Don't click this if your stomach is weak!!!!!!
tia travels's Avatar
Yeah I saw that picture in my search for rectal prolapse research, but didn't post it.

Yeah folks...don't click on the ABOVE link if you don't want to go "ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" LOL The picture I saw of it though, did not have an explanation and I'm glad it was explained and I hope he's better by now.