A Providers Prospective of Riots in London

  • Meko
  • 08-09-2011, 09:16 PM
Thought I might put my two cents in since I'm vacationing here in London.
Not sure how many of you know that there's caos in the subs of London and spreading fast. Very very sad and unpleasant activities going on a short distance from where I'm staying. Needless to say I have to cut my visit here short as to not catch Hell on my Holiday. Looting, burning of homes, cars, and robberies over such a senseless act. Will be posting more on the actual story that started it all. But there's basically a conflict as to how a young man would be shot by officers with out having fired his weapon (this is all from the locals so please don't hold me to every detail and the news/papers here) posting a headline I saw just tonight. They released a report saying that is most likely the young man did not fire his gun at officers but was still fatally shot. Just all really tragic hope the police can get a handle on things soon. Heading back to Denmark for some peace and quite reflection.
Interesting. I hope you continue with your on-scene perspective......stay safe....

and let me add that the guy who was shot without firing his weapon? In the US it is called "suicide by cop". that would be one of many explainations....

Thought I might put my two cents in since I'm vacationing here in London.
Not sure how many of you know that there's caos in the subs of London and spreading fast. Very very sad and unpleasant activities going on a short distance from where I'm staying. Needless to say I have to cut my visit here short as to not catch Hell on my Holiday. Looting, burning of homes, cars, and robberies over such a senseless act. Will be posting more on the actual story that started it all. But there's basically a conflict as to how a young man would be shot by officers with out having fired his weapon (this is all from the locals so please don't hold me to every detail and the news/papers here) posting a headline I saw just tonight. They released a report saying that is most likely the young man did not fire his gun at officers but was still fatally shot. Just all really tragic hope the police can get a handle on things soon. Heading back to Denmark for some peace and quite reflection.
Originally Posted by Meko
I suppose the real truth of what happenned will surface sooner or later.

In the USA, if you brandish a firearm, and the Police tell you to drop it, and you do not, you are going to get shot, regardless of whether you fired a shot or not.

I may be wrong, but isn't it virtually impossible for an individule to own a firearm in Great Britain?

I may be wrong, but isn't it virtually impossible for an individule to own a firearm in Great Britain? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Correct. Only people who really have them are farmers/hunters I think?...We don't carry guns over here, or knives,you can get in some big trouble if you're caught with either, but there are still that small percentage who do. Most of the coppers don't even carry guns unless they are guarding an embassy or PM's residence etc...
Valerie causes a scene everywhere she goes!! Come back soon!!!
  • Meko
  • 08-17-2011, 02:47 PM

Sorry I've been away...left London before things got worse.
Have to agree with Valerie from what I could tell not all cops carry weapons on the street etc. Although I agree with you Ed and Jackie S...my problem is with what happended afterwards. So many other people died needlessly just trying to protect there businesses and homes. I feel for those who lost all they worked for and have no sympathy for those who could burn, loot, steal, riot and cause mischief in the name of "vengenace" against the police. Have lots of video clips from the news and have brought back every newspaper I could carry. Will post more pics soon. But by the end of my stay there were police man posted at every corner just in case something were to break out.
For some background on how England got to this point......
