"Have you ever had sex with Rick Perry ?"

This ad appeared in Austin's biggest paper today, seeking "escorts, strippers or young hotties" to come forward if they've slept with Rick Perry. Placed by a Ron Paul supporter.

CAVE: I am not posting this here to trigger a POLITICAL discussion, we have the sandbox for that, i am posting it for the fun of it. Please no political comments, thanks :-)

The topic should focus on sexual hypocrisy and the "no pun intended" ad in a newspaper , not on political parties.

Its just interesting - btw: did any of you girls answer ?? (lol)
The rumor is Perry is gay. Maybe this should be posted outside La Bare.
  • Laz
  • 08-18-2011, 05:40 PM
I can't believe that a Ron Paul supporter did this. If I am wrong I bet Ron paul is really pissed off at him
waverunner234's Avatar
I think its funny, and who knows, those religious fanatics always think they can do what they forbid for someone else.
If you want to out him I'd advise waiting until his stock his risen a bit more toward the primary dates. The risk is he will stumble before then he's out for good. You should have a lawyer to help. His legal team is vicious so be prepared.

There's good money to be had either way; he's a hypocrite and sleazeball, getting him out of the race would be a patriotic act.

If the gay sex comes to light, that's big dollar for someone and definite deal killer for the religious right contributors.
I think its funny, and who knows, those religious fanatics always think they can do what they forbid for someone else. Originally Posted by waverunner234