unreadable emoticon conversion

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
hey does anyone know of a site that converts unreadable txt messages that are smiley based to one that's readable?

I've a cell phone that doesn't support smileys functions.

so I get garbage txt that look like dominoes and some characters that look like this:
í ½í,
í ½í¸œí ½í¸˜í ½í¸ší ½í¸
  • dgc92
  • 10-05-2018, 09:47 AM
There are a lot of sites for that. Sprint, Verizon, Tmobile, AT&T, they'll all, for a monthly fee, send you a phone that will support emoticons. It's pretty great.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
There are a lot of sites for that. Sprint, Verizon, Tmobile, AT&T, they'll all, for a monthly fee, send you a phone that will support emoticons. It's pretty great. Originally Posted by dgc92

i'm not looking to get a new phone.

looking for a site that converts/translate them into a readable format.

I was able to get part of it (the ones that look like dominoes), which was by forwarding that txt to my email address.