Pretty Woman...

Last week I did something I've never done.

I left my hotel to go get a pack of Camels and as I was getting out of my car a panhandler approached me.
He started asking if I had any spare change and I responded no I am out here whoring my ass Sir.
His eyes lit up and he begged to introduce me to this Indian Pervert Billionaire...lets just say my rauchy honesty took
Me to a new type of meeting!!!
Weird but omg fun.
No joke!
He's so cute!
My comfort zone has never allowed me to just meet someone this way!
Was he a billionaire ...😂no but a fun time.. 😍
I might introduce him to Evie he keeps calling me!!

I love this life


Happy Lobbying! Evie..��
offshoredrilling's Avatar
tell Dr. Wonderful ta get back ta work

btw nice ass girl