New CBO numbers: Obamacare will cost the US 2.5 million jobs

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
but, according to the White House, that is a good thing. A couple of years ago the CBO said that 650,000 jobs would be lost directly because of Obamacare. That number has be adjusted to 2.3 million jobs lost. The White House response? They do not deny it at all but they are spinning it that people will be more free to do art, hobbies, spend time with their families, or start their own business (which will be next to impossible with all the EPA, IRS, and Obamacare regs).

The important take away is they do not deny the report. Everything else is crap (as it came from the White House).

Jason Furman for the White House: workers will choose to work less rather than work at a part time job caused directly by Obamacare.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Now I can hobby and have healthcare?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-05-2014, 08:12 AM

The important take away is they do not deny the report. Everything else is crap (as it came from the White HouseL] Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD everything else came from the CBO report. The White House just pointed out the whole report not your cherry picked version. What you fail to understand is that it empowers workers. The CBO reports states that workers will choose to work less. Workers will be given a better choice.
JD everything else came from the CBO report. The White House just pointed out the whole report not your cherry picked version. What you fail to understand is that it empowers workers. The CBO reports states that workers will choose to work less. Workers will be given a better choice. Originally Posted by WTF
I cant believe it WTF but I see it with my own eyes

you have topped all your other idiotic posts

this is the crème de la crème

the Pièce de résistance

gaining entrance straight away, with out any normal requisite filtering of time, to the hall of fame

of the most dumb posts in the history of man

I had to hurry to copy it and capture it for posterity, in great fear you would delete it or alter it before conservation could be had, to secure it for all time

it belongs to no one person, but to the ages now
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-05-2014, 08:40 AM
Copy all you want. The truth is the truth. The truth can be either a good or bad thing depending on what values each individual holds. Not that you understand that simple fact. The reason we have different political parties is because we place different values on different things....This being one of those things.
if we have reached the point of "welfaristic" idiocy and liberal spin whereby the loss of 2.5 million jobs is a selling point

and the news media lets it go and the American people buy it, all is lost

even the advancing of this notion by this foolish generation of destructive, power at all costs white house monkeys is fabulous (almost impossible to believe; incredible)

and for you to swallow it really shows not your values but the absence of values you have allowed to eat whole your mind in obedience to your obsequiousness

it is obvious these people knew the contents of the report prior to its release, most likely tried their best to quash it, failing that, brainstormed this idiocy, and trotted out an "expert" yesterday to stammer through a press conference to try to slather a tricksters sleight upon America

is there no truth to these people, no care for the best for America? is it all about protection and power and winning?

don't answer that, it was rhetorical, of course it is about winning
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-05-2014, 09:02 AM
Your values suck imho. So fuck off and try and stick with facts not judgements. What i said was true. JD cherry picked the facts. The fact ipointed out was that folks now are not going to be staying at a job because of health insurance. I have discussed in other threads how The government subsidies to large Corp vs individuals was something you never cried about. Show shove that hypocrisy up your ass.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I cant believe it WTF but I see it with my own eyes

you have topped all your other idiotic posts

this is the crème de la crème

the Pièce de résistance

gaining entrance straight away, with out any normal requisite filtering of time, to the hall of fame

of the most dumb posts in the history of man

I had to hurry to copy it and capture it for posterity, in great fear you would delete it or alter it before conservation could be had, to secure it for all time

it belongs to no one person, but to the ages now Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

That was classic WPF, for sure!
Your values suck imho. So fuck off and try and stick with facts not judgements. What i said was true. JD cherry picked the facts. The fact ipointed out was that folks now are not going to be staying at a job because of health insurance. I have discussed in other threads how The government subsidies to large Corp vs individuals was something you never cried about. Show shove that hypocrisy up your ass. Originally Posted by WTF
I could pick that apart but its gone
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-05-2014, 09:36 AM
I could pick that apart but its gone Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Go join COG debating another poster about how God values each of them! You sure the fuck ain't changing any opinions around here.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
WELL HELL WTF! Lets empower all the workers. Lay off everyone and let those stupid idiots do all the work while we enjoy our freedom. I think we can get to 90% unemployment if we put our minds to it. Fuck those Frenchmen, we'll show them how it's done. We can start with a federal law giving everyone August and December off.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WPF, you have no clue about either thread, do you? It's funny as hell! The more you post, the stupider, er, I mean, the more stupid you sound. You are a moron's moron!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
if we have reached the point of "welfaristic" idiocy and liberal spin whereby the loss of 2.5 million jobs is a selling point

and the news media lets it go and the American people buy it, all is lost

even the advancing of this notion by this foolish generation of destructive, power at all costs white house monkeys is fabulous (almost impossible to believe; incredible)

and for you to swallow it really shows not your values but the absence of values you have allowed to eat whole your mind in obedience to your obsequiousness

it is obvious these people knew the contents of the report prior to its release, most likely tried their best to quash it, failing that, brainstormed this idiocy, and trotted out an "expert" yesterday to stammer through a press conference to try to slather a tricksters sleight upon America

is there no truth to these people, no care for the best for America? is it all about protection and power and winning?

don't answer that, it was rhetorical, of course it is about winning Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
All is lost, believe me. When other dictatorships like the one run by the short, fat guy in Korea make silly announcements, the world laughs, but when your own dictatorship says it, you better take it seriously. They have provided the most diabolical political cover for their programs for all time.
If employment numbers increase, it was because of their programs, and it overcame the planned unemployment, so it is even more magnificent than it seems.
If unemployment numbers increase, it was also because of their brilliant programs, they knew it would happen and told us in advance, but it is a good thing.
They cannot lose and if you dissent, I'm sure there is a gulag somewhere, or a psychiatric facility.
TheDaliLama's Avatar I can choose to live in a van down by the river and still have my health?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
NO, you can chose to live in a van down by the river and you'll have healthcare INSURANCE. That does not translate to healthcare.