Al Gore is back.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Speaking at a lecture of folk singing, tree hugging sycophants almost president Gore said that the "dust bowl" was coming back to Kansas. He said of his ten year old movie that flooding in Pakistan would cause a drought in Kansas. The crowd made sparkles to show their appreciation. We must remember that multi-millionaire jet setter Gore also predicted an end to the polar ice caps and his election to the White House. Gore then got on his private jet to return to his beach front property in California after he visited a Kansas City AMP.
manbearpig the original Climate Nazi...

Climate Scientist Fights Back – Calls Global Warming Alarmists “Global Warming Nazis”
By LD Jackson

Dr. Roy SpencerMany times, a given issue is defined by the rhetoric used to describe it. Its importance is determined by how well said rhetoric is accepted by the news media and the American people. Global warming, ie. climate change, is no different. The rhetoric abounds. Secretary of State John Kerry described those of us who disagree with the disproved theory that global warming and climate change are the greatest threats we face as akin to those who believe the earth was flat.

As it is with almost every issue championed by the liberals, radical action is called for, if we are to believe their rhetoric. That’s why we see such a push from the Obama administration to enact policies that would combat a threat that doesn’t even exist. These policies trouble those of us who are paying attention and entice the true believers in global warming and climate change into even harder rhetoric and demands. I’ll give them this; they are quite good at stirring up the masses and convincing them the sky is about to fall.

There is one thing that is most apparent about these true believers. They can not stand it when someone proves their failed theories to be false. They even go so far as to call scientists who are declaring that truth “deniers”. That term does not sit will with many of us, but it is especially true of one particular climate scientist. Dr. Roy Spencer is no ordinary scientist. He has been the senior scientist for climate studies at NASA and he is fighting back with his own type of rhetoric. His favorite term for the global warming alarmists and extremists is “global warming Nazis”.

The New American - As global-warming alarmists become increasingly deranged in their attacks on experts and critics who reject their controversial and increasingly discredited theory, at least one of the world’s leading climate scientists has finally had enough. Dr. Roy Spencer (shown), who served as senior scientist for climate studies at NASA, published a scathing rebuke of the alarmists and their “extremist” rhetoric.

Referring to the alarmists as “global warming Nazis,” Dr. Spencer warned that their “pseudo-scientific ramblings” and support for fascist-style “radical policies” literally threaten the lives of millions of people — especially the poor.

What appears to have set off Spencer — a Ph.D. in meteorology and principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville — are the ever-more vicious and absurd tactics of extreme global-warming theorists.

In a February 20 piece on his website headlined “Time to push back against the global warming Nazis,” the climate expert notes that “somebody” pushed his button. “When politicians and scientists started calling people like me ‘deniers,’ they crossed the line,” he wrote.

As countless other experts, scientists, and analysts have also noted, Spencer said that the warmists were trying to equate skeptics of global warming theories — those who do not see climate change as man-made or a serious problem — with those who deny that Hitler’s National Socialist (Nazi) regime exterminated millions of Jews.

“Too many of us for too long have ignored the repulsive, extremist nature of the comparison,” Spencer wrote. “It’s time to push back.”

In response, Spencer said, he is going to start calling them “global warming Nazis.” There are very good reason for the comparison, too, he added.

“The pseudo-scientific ramblings by their leaders have falsely warned of mass starvation, ecological collapse, agricultural collapse, overpopulation … all so that the masses would support their radical policies,” he said. “Policies that would not voluntarily be supported by a majority of freedom-loving people.”

Before I go further, it is important to note one thing. No matter how some people like to say those of us who do not believe in global warming and climate change are bought and paid for by the oil and gas industry, that is just not true. This comes from Dr. Roy Spencer’s About page on his blog.

Roy W. Spencer received his Ph.D. in meteorology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1981. Before becoming a Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville in 2001, he was a Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, where he and Dr. John Christy received NASA’s Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for their global temperature monitoring work with satellites. Dr. Spencer’s work with NASA continues as the U.S. Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer flying on NASA’s Aqua satellite. He has provided congressional testimony several times on the subject of global warming.

Dr. Spencer’s research has been entirely supported by U.S. government agencies: NASA, NOAA, and DOE. He has never been asked by any oil company to perform any kind of service. Not even Exxon-Mobil.

I have been told before that I have made a hard turn to the right since Obama first took office. I do not deny that, but there are reasons for my madness. The issue this post addresses is one of those reasons. Yesterday’s post about the low resources at the IRS is another. Simply put, I am sick to death of beating around the bush with these people, just for the sake of sounding pleasant. I am not an argumentative person, but I have had my fill of conservatives not being able to state their minds, for fear of reprisals by the liberals and their support system in the media. Is it not time we called a spade what it really is?

For years, we have been told we have to be silent and compromise with the left. If I have learned one thing about the struggle between liberals and conservatives, it is that no matter how conservatives compromise, it will never be enough. This applies to fiscal and social issues, as well as our fight to return a bit of reason to the discussion about the climate. No matter how much we compromise to make sure our planet is saved from the onslaught of global warming and climate change, it will never be enough for these people. They will always want more concessions.

We have given in to their rhetoric about global warming, afraid to say much because of the tactics they use. People like Dr. Roy Spencer, able to fully refute the made-up theory of global warming, are told they should shut up and sit down. I have no idea if the man is a conservative or liberal, but he knows enough about the climate to know man-made global warming is crock full of lies. Not only that, he has enough gumption about him to brave what he had to know would be a storm of rhetorical protests against him.

Yes, I am aware that the term “global warming Nazis” sounds a bit extreme, but Dr. Spencer has a point. The people who are crying wolf about global warming and climate change are the ones who started this fight. They are the ones who insist on demonizing anyone who dares to disagree with their disproved “scientific” theories about how global warming and climate change are destroying the planet. I equate them with a bully and sometimes, the only way to fight a bully is to give them a taste of their own medicine. Using their own tactics against them, calling them “global warming Nazis” may not change their minds, but it will serve them notice that we will not be sitting idly by and accepting their lies as the gospel truth. And in my mind, “global warming Nazis” describes them perfectly.
knock knock....
who's there....
al gore....
al gore who....
damn forgotten again....
knock knock....
who's there....
al gore....
al gore who....
damn forgotten again.... Originally Posted by stevepar

Your real name is sub-par...
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Speaking at a lecture of folk singing, tree hugging sycophants almost president Gore said that the "dust bowl" was coming back to Kansas. He said of his ten year old movie that flooding in Pakistan would cause a drought in Kansas. The crowd made sparkles to show their appreciation. We must remember that multi-millionaire jet setter Gore also predicted an end to the polar ice caps and his election to the White House. Gore then got on his private jet to return to his beach front property in California after he visited a Kansas City AMP. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Great! About time. He will drive you dull witted ideologues crazier and that is fun to watch!
fun2come's Avatar
On Al Gore: The bigger the lie the more people believe it....

No wait, that was somebody else who created the quote.... he just used the same technique.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Weren't some of you complaining about Ted Nugent? This guy called people who don't buy into global warmer the same thing as HOLOCAUST DENIERS. Don't you think he should apologize?
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 02-23-2014, 10:45 PM
The right wing must be getting really worried that Global Warming is true - why else the onslaught of pseudo science?
Snuggles's Avatar
Al gore has burned more gas jetsetting around the world selling indulgences then I could in 100 lifetimes of commuting 100 miles a day in a top fuel dragster. freaking hypocrite
screw him and anything he is pushing.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Alar, cyclomates, DDT, and global warming there's your pseudo-science
If there's a 1% chance that Pakistani scientists are helping al-Qaeda build or develop a nuclear weapon, we have to treat it as a certainty in terms of our response. It's not about our analysis ... It's about our response. - Dick Cheney

There is a 95% probability that climate change is caused through human activity. Not that it is or isn't happening. I'm citing Wikipedia ..fuck it

Only 1 of 9136 peer reviewed authors have rejected that climate change is happening. That is .01% ..source

So you all telling me that uber wealthy politicians who's only motives are to fatten their bottom line are more trustworthy than 9 thousand scientist.

LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
If there's a 1% chance that Pakistani scientists are helping al-Qaeda build or develop a nuclear weapon, we have to treat it as a certainty in terms of our response. It's not about our analysis ... It's about our response. - Dick Cheney

There is a 95% probability that climate change is caused through human activity. Not that it is or isn't happening. I'm citing Wikipedia ..fuck it

Only 1 of 9136 peer reviewed authors have rejected that climate change is happening. That is .01% ..source

So you all telling me that uber wealthy politicians who's only motives are to fatten their bottom line are more trustworthy than 9 thousand scientist.

wow Originally Posted by hungryhippo
Dumb question. Of course, the free market (the only freedom we need or want) and business, the worship of Mammon, is wonderful and perfect and all the rest is shite!

Get with the program!
I love the free market. That is what is going to bring these politicians around on climate change. Coorporations like Coca-Cola are seeing their bottom line hurt by catastrophic events around the world.

Insurance companies don't want to see more frequent catastrophic weather events.Thats why they are spending millions on research on how bad it will get.

I think nothing will change politcally in the immidiate future where we can make a difference. That would require coorperation of emerging markets in China and India. I believe we are too late on stopping it and have to spend our resources on predicting how bad it will be and adapting to those changes.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
I love the free market. Originally Posted by hungryhippo
Glad someone does. It IS interesting and has been the greatest creator of wealth in the history of the world to whatever extent it was allowed to be free, however, it has also been the harbinger of a great deal of misery and strife, especially when not reigned in. I love the African savannas, but that doesn't mean I want to be let loose there with only a loincloth and my wits. Both the markets and African savannas are subject to the law of the jungle (unless balanced by laws, regulation and oversight put in place by society) which isn't all that good for society or even for business' longevity.

So you all telling me that uber wealthy politicians who's only motives are to fatten their bottom line are more trustworthy than 9 thousand scientist.
Originally Posted by hungryhippo
You do realize their our thousands of IPCC "scientists" who are fattening their wallets through the climate change scam? And that much of their peer reviewed work especially that reviewed by objective scientists has been debunked?

Also didn't the last IPCC report say there is a pause in global warming and that the many of the past reports' many theoretical projections of global warming had been overstated?

I believe it did.

The earth doesn't "have a fever" and when you start threatening "tipping points" and "red lines" you better know what the consequences of those threats are, chicken little.