Remember this guy

The World Herald has a story on the guy who hired escorts to strip on his neighbors porch while he watched.

According to the story he's getting 4 years and doesn't have to register as a s x offender.

You guys know the drill fire up google and look for it. Since it contains RW info on the guy. I'm going to refrain from posting the link. Not looking to get my hand slapped or take a vacation like sportsman or huskerman.
ILuvNips's Avatar
As I understand it, he never even had contact with the ladies. So besides possibly harassment, what else was he charged with? 4 fucking years in prison...all because he was scared of a $500 solicitation fine.

Moral of the story is... don't NCNS, do pay and receive, and may we all be happy!
The article says he was charged with pandering. The solicitation charge was actually dropped. Sentencing will be in November, so the 4 years is dependent on how hard the judge is on him then. Other charges are always possible in the future, never know what they found when searching the guys house.
From what I read, he is also under investigation for child porn. That is an on going investigation by the Feds. He will be out of circulation for a long time.
They made reference to ongoing investigations concerning what was found in his home in the article. So he may be facing more charges over time.

If it is the aforementioned topic, 4 years will only be the beginning of his problems.
burkalini's Avatar
There is dumb and then there is total dumbfuck. This was a stupid total idiot asswipe dumbfuck
There is dumb and then there is total dumbfuck. This was a stupid total idiot asswipe dumbfuck Originally Posted by burkalini

I hate it when you sugar coat things Burk. But you are right.
+1 burk