Time to fire Haley

We can blame the players all we want. Four straigh blowout losses including last season is enough. The Chiefs are playing with no heart,
no desire, no balls at all. They quit at halftime. They can't catch, tackle,
or even hold on to the damn ball. All basic fundamentals from guys that have played this game all their lives. Pussies.
Are the Chiefs going to be the next 0-16 team? Certainly if Charles ends up being done for the year, I don't know if there is anyone on their schedule that they can beat!
swarmyone's Avatar
810 just announced Charles has an ACL injury and will be out for the season. That sucks...but we have bigger problems with this team. Whether its fair criticism or not (i think it is), the buck stops with the head coach. Back to back performances like this and someone needs to go. This team needs to reset mentally. They better do it quick before their entire fan base completely implodes.
dirty dog's Avatar
The only thing that has changed is the offensive coordinator, maybe the new guy is the wrong guy.
Seomon's Avatar
You know? I was going to give the Chiefs the benefit of the doubt and say it was the lockout, but I think I can say after two weeks, that the Chiefs are by far, the worst product on the field... Perhaps the Seahawks might give the Chefs a run for their money.
Well, after that article about the chiefs being the "ugliest" team in the NFL...now their
play matches up with that
The only thing that has changed is the offensive coordinator, maybe the new guy is the wrong guy. Originally Posted by dirty dog
To me, it goes back to last year. They have never looked right since Charley Weiss left. Maybe they should have made him the head coach and let Haley go.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
To me, it goes back to last year. They have never looked right since Charley Weiss left. Maybe they should have made him the head coach and let Haley go. Originally Posted by ez2plz
I don't think there is any maybe about it. Actually, IMHO I think Weiss is a better second fiddle. Head coaching at Notre Dame didn't prove too well for him. Obviously the academic standards do hold back success at ND so maybe he still may be a good head coach. I do think that Haley definitely needs to hit the road after this season. If he coaches well enough to get us Stanford's Andrew Luck, then that is a success in my eyes. LOL.
dirty dog's Avatar
fire haily and hire grouden
Gruden would be a great choice, but cheapskate Hunt family would not pay the price. Plus I don't think Arrrowhead is
begin enough for the egos of Piolia and Gruden since Gruden would want control.
He is a bit whacko, but talented enough to get away with it. Haley is whacko without a track record. When the Bucs beat the Raiders in the Super Bowl , it was because Gruden actuallly played qb in practice. He showed the defense Rich Gannons moves and tendencies. As you know, the Bucs had Gannon for lunch and spit him back out. That is a coach.