Zoo Forcd To Kill Gorilla........opinions


This is rally sad.

We can all be thankful that the 4 year old boy came out, more or less, unharmed.

What were the causes of this. Poor safety barriers, poor parenting, poor decisions in keeping wild animals caged for human entertainment?

Just express your opinions.

This is rally sad.

We can all be thankful that the 4 year old boy came out, more or less, unharmed.

What were the causes of this. Poor safety barriers, poor parenting, poor decisions in keeping wild animals caged for human entertainment?

Just express your opinions. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Wonder how long it will be before we hear about the parents suing the Zoo for THEIR piss-poor parenting abilities ? You have to know there's some lying liberal ambulance chaser out there preparing to " help " them through all that therapy the child and his " family " will go through " for the rest of their lives " , or some such BS.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
new reports state the kid was arguing with the mom, saying he wanted to enter and play with the gorilla. she repeatedly told him no. the barrier was only 3 ft high, even if it was some 12 to fifteen feet above the actual water area. kids don't understand the risk of these heights. i fault the Zoo more than the mom. could she have held the kid's hand to make sure he didn't climb the barrier? certainly. but he might have done it anyway and at only 3 ft, a 4 year old can easily climb that barrier. the mom might not have been able to keep her grip on him, or worse, both could have tumbled over the barrier.

the Zoo is more at fault here. a 3 ft high barrier is too easy to climb, or even accidentally fall over. it should be higher, and probably have chain link fencing. that would keep small children from doing what this kid did. even a determined adult would have difficulty climbing a 10 ft high chain link fence.

Jack Hanna, well known animal expert and former director of the Columbus Zoo, agrees that the Cincinnati Zoo had no other option but to shoot the Gorilla. a tranquilizer doesn't work instantly like people would think. it can take several minutes. Was the gorilla "guarding" the kid? possibly so, but it was also dragging the kid around with a force humans aren't used to. the Gorilla could have caused a skull fracture or broken bones with the force they are able to exert. they don't understand how fragile humans are compared to them. the kid could have been knocked unconscious and drowned and the Gorilla wouldn't have known it.

the Zoo had an unsafe viewing area. hard to say if the parents will sue, they probably shouldn't given the "social warrior" backlash many are already posting on social media. the kid apparently suffered no major injuries. the Zoo should make major improvements to the viewing area to reduce the risk this will happen again and the parents should let it go.
LexusLover's Avatar

Originally Posted by i'va biggen
See what's going to happen to your eyes Eva when holding binoculars up to them too long! That looks like a perfect selection for your grave marker, also. The position is right for the stall.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
See what's going to happen to your eyes Eva when holding binoculars up to them too long! That looks like a perfect selection for your grave marker, also. The position is right for the stall. Originally Posted by LexusLover
this is clearly an emotional moment for Ivan, he has lost his cousin "Handsome Harambe"

cptjohnstone's Avatar
this is clearly an emotional moment for Ivan, he has lost his cousin "Handsome Harambe"

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
sorry I said the same thing in another thread
See what's going to happen to your eyes Eva when holding binoculars up to them too long! That looks like a perfect selection for your grave marker, also. The position is right for the stall. Originally Posted by LexusLover
When you choke on a big dick at the glory hole will they have you stuffed and mounted?
sorry I said the same thing in another thread Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
You can go there and read my reply retard. Here is your uncle's pic.

  • DSK
  • 05-30-2016, 10:49 PM
It was just a fucking gorilla.

First breach in 38 years...

How many murders this weekend in Chicago?
If anyone saw the video clip. It looked like Harambe was doing a better job of watching the kid than his mother did. They should have shot her instead, lol.

LexusLover's Avatar
When you choke on a big dick at the glory hole will they have you stuffed and mounted? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You keep getting me confused with someone else.

I'm not the one competing with your fun down at the stalls.
LexusLover's Avatar
If anyone saw the video clip. It looked like Harambe was doing a better job of watching the kid than his mother did. They should have shot her instead, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Contrary to what someone else posted, it was reported that there had been another person in the pit (or some human activity in which this specific gorilla had been involved) and this gorilla in that event perceived the activity as a threat .... a "gorilla behavioral expert" stated this gorilla in the current event was acting in a manner that indicated he was protecting the child from "the threat" by removing the child to another location away from the area where the earlier threat had occurred.

That's all and good .... "mind reading' seems to be a unique quality and characteristic of LIBERALS, who on a regular basis tell "us" not only what we do think, but what we "ought" to think, as humans ..... and I guess their expertise has now crossed over to gorillas and apes .... or is it the other way around? They are more familiar with the thinking of gorillas and apes, their kin, so they transfer that "thinking" to humans?

The "gorilla behavioral expert" had the luxury of not being in the pit with the gorilla, plenty of time to review the video to observe (slow motion?) the actions of the gorilla, and consultation with other "animal lovers/human haters" to arrive at a decision after 24-48 hours that had to be made in a matter of seconds.
You keep getting me confused with someone else.

I'm not the one competing with your fun down at the stalls. Originally Posted by LexusLover
No you are all about the glory hole. However your posting is getting closer to your bud gay rey.
The poor child finally had a father figure but whitey wasn't havin' it.